Wednesday, November 30, 2016

What did Toma said?

Sounds that my suspicions of Srpski Predsednik Tomislav "Toma" Nikolić is a two-faced politician that can't decide on his own.

"We angered both EU and Russia-we're doing it right"

He made the remarks during a visit to Češka Republika on the capital Prague while talking with Miloš Zeman. He also mentioned angering both Rusija i Evropska Unija is the right thing.

"Don't think that this view of ours didn't make Russia and the EU angry. Wherever you turn, someone's angry. Perhaps that is a sign that only Serbia is right."

"The EU recognizes the independence of Kosovo, but dismisses Crimea's right to self-determination. Russia does not recognize Kosovo's independence, but has recognized Crimea's right to self-determination. Serbia supports its own and Ukraine's territorial integrity, which I believe is the only correct position."

Seems Toma tries to make Serbia neutral. I won't agree because of course, Srbija needs Rusija more often before it can be neutral and the eventual retaking of Kosovo!!! He never learned what Srbija needs but thinks from himself for PR stunts. Toma, for all what he mentioned, did and everything is an actual, two-faced man. Confirmed!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Jill Stein joining the Sore Loser Brigade

Liberalism is a mental disorder. and Jill Stein proves it. Of course.

Jill Stein wants a recount of the election that Donald Trump won and Hillary "Miss Benghazi" Clinton lose by the popular vote.

“This is not being done to benefit one candidate at the expense of the other,” Stein told PBS.

Speaking of Jill the Lib, she could have been paid by George Soros, the master financier and destroyer of nations. Back before the elections, she mentioned that Hillary is more dangerous than Trump. So why she suddenly changed her mind? Money. And that she can finally push for the dreaded carbon tax, which of course will go to terrorists, femiNAZIs, gay lobbyists and of course, the anti-Christian NGO's.

As we all know, George Soros want that carbon tax implemented around the world.

So, my assumption would be: Jill Stein the so-called environmentalist joins the loser brigade for the poison pill that is the carbon tax, collaborating with George Soros and Hillary Clinton, in an attempt to stop Trump from restoring America.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

LG to Superman: Your still WEAK!!!!

In a recent conference on questions about his wartime role as an Interior Minister, Aleksandar "Superman" Vučić says he has paid a high political price and accepted the blame for the decisions he made while serving as information minister during the 90s.

"It's very easy stab me with it in the back, as if with a knife," the Serbian prime minister said on Monday, in reply to a question posed by a German journalists during the South East Europe Media Forum conference held in Belgrade.

"This law was better than the one from 2009, but nobody complained that," said Vučić, adding that at the time, he was "not strong enough to stand up against everything someone adopted and put into effect."

Better laws now than before? It's worse than before! How could you!!??!?!!!?!?!? Of course back then you have to fight back because your life and what you fought for counts. But what you did?

Betray the trust of the Serbian people that voted for you. The very same people that put you into power you schmuck! Betray them because of fame and EU money. Your still WEAK!!! You will never evolve because you chose to be one weakling! You never stood up against the EU thugs, you just stood up against the true Serbian nationalists! You threw your country off the cliff regardless of how many times Russia helped your country to get up!

Ok, I am too tired to discuss about this weakling..... I am sick he is always in front of every Serbian newspaper or internet headlines. His Cult of Personality is just too awful.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Prayer keeps stress away

Prayers. One of the most forgotten treasures in the secular world today thanks to Liberal Progressive laws. But do people have to pray? Of course! God is with us of course! He is waiting for our sincere prayers of forgiveness and thanksgiving. And why it keeps stress away? I don't have to elaborate a lot but it gets the best for me.

Remember, this secular world we live in. A lot of stress appear because of our desire for money, fame and material but through all the failures, we all need is to pray. Through sincere prayers, we won't think of the problems of this secular world but God, how the saints lived, how a simple family life we pray and hope for and a lot of good things will come to your mind.

I will share my experience. Last year, weeks after my conversion. I felt stress on my heart again because of emotional problems but since starting to pray again and hearing the beautiful and sacred chants in the Orthodox Church, it soothed my rumbling mind and heart. It killed all those emotional problems mostly. There are at times my heart problems because of stress re-appears but sincere prayers make it disappear.

Everytime I close my nightly prayers(from the book and my heart), I pray that "everyone in the world will come back through your original Christian church". It means that someday, everyone will discover the original church of the apostles. The church that survived all the stress it faced since the times of the apostles after Pentecost. Hopefully, people will start to pray again and through these things, stress will never kill our mind and heart.


Оче наш, који си на небесима,
да се свети име Твоје,
да дође царство Твоје,
да буде воља Твоја
и на земљи као на небу;
хлеб наш насушни дај нам данас;
и опрости нам дугове наше
као што и ми опраштамо дужницима својим;
и не уведи нас у искушење,
но избави нас од злога.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Traditional Marriage Rocks!

Having conversations with people about marriage and my current relationship, I will not change my stance on marriage. A traditional marriage is the best for couples for making a happy family(especially to Christian couples, a church wedding), it lasts a lifetime and importantly, binds two people as one. Changing times may affect how we define love but marriage is only for a man and a woman.

Traditional marriages makes couples work hard, remember all they were taught since their younger days, devote their life to God and keeping promises to a lifetime. Here's one of the best things a traditional marriage can offer: Happiness

Remember, money can't buy happiness and it's up to the couple how to give and take with each other. It's also important that you can discuss likes/dislikes, dreams, hopes and especially, growing old with each other. It doesn't matter if the married couple can't have a baby, the important thing is that, God is at the center of marriage and the couple is willing to go through joys and pains for a brighter future as one.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Vojska Srbije underpaid

Continue with the EU integration mess and risk a coup! This is what the Peder Premijer Aleksandar Vučić is known for, making Serbia lose everything for the sake of his mafia leaders at Brussels. Is Superman risking a coup if this happens? They are not civilians but SOLDIERS. VOJNICI! VOJSKA SRBIJE!!!! They are trained to handle guns, explosive and are the most loyal men to the flag and God.

They will stage a protest on November 27 because of wage conditions. Union leadership claimed that over 80 percent of both service personnel and civilians employed by the ministry receive less than 67,600 Serbian dinars (some $590) per month, which is the country’s living wage.

 Well, the pro-Western elite voiced their concerns. Defence minister Zoran Đorđević condemned the upcoming protest because it's against the Serbian written law and the soldiers "committed to maintaining the standards of living of its employees." The soldiers' protest could turn into a coup once Superman continues to ransack Serbia of it's remaining milk and honey to give it to his EU cohorts.

I am now assuming that, if the soldiers will be arrested just for protesting and not an actual strike, their could be a coup. I ask the Peder Premijer to stop with the EU integration nonsense, focus on investments than a decaying EU membership or shift to Russia or risk a coup against the whole power structure..

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Soros' last chance

George Soros will try his best to destroy Donald Trump. Try your best Gyorgy but we now know your schemes. It's just liberals will tell us it's all conspiracy theories. Why Trump is bad for the Globalists and the Crony Capitalists? Simple:

It's not just taking back jobs to America, make peace with Vladimir Putin and rebuilding America but to ensure the country will march victorious if ever, Hussein Obama will trigger an actual scorch earth policy before Trump becomes the president in power. It doesn't get more suspense than how Gyorgy the Master Manipulator invited all LIBERAL business elites inside Mandarin Hotel in Washington. The meeting?

Who knows but of course, the will to stop Trump by all means or to make sure war with Russia will happen. But could it be.........

I don't want to mention it because it terrifies me and I will leave it up to my readers.

But in all cases, Soros wants a last chance to destroy Trump nonetheless. As a Right Wing Conservative, I am deeply disturbed and angry whenever this LEFTist Liberal trash is destroying countries especially Serbia, where he funded Bill "Rapist" Clinton's expedition to destroy Orthodox Christianity while making sure Monica Lewinsky is off the news.

Soros also caused the Asian Economic crisis back in 1997, he can do it again to any country. He must be stopped at all costs.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Ultimate Disgrace!

Letting an occupied province have a calling code, traitors within Beograd and giving in to the Evropska Unija's demands. This makes me sick that they allowed it and all nationalists who dare to speak are threatened with jail sentences.

The country calling code for Kosovo is +383. Kosovo received a new geographical region code as a result of the 2013 Brussels Agreement signed by the Governments of Serbia and Kosovo. This code is the property of the Republic of Serbia which it has given by ITU to Serbia for the needs of the geographical region Kosovo. This will allow to calls numbers in Kosovo out of Serbia invoked with the prefix +383, calls from Serbia to Kosovo will only need area/network code without prefix +383.

The European External Action Service (EEAS) has confirmed Beograd and Priština representatives had “under the EU facilitation reached an arrangement on further implementation of the agreed and signed Telecommunications Agreement from 2013 and the 2015 Action Plan stemming from this Agreement.”

Allowing this means the current Serbian Regressive Party is ready to give up Kosovo to the Albanian colonialists and the satanic EU. The current government are unforgiving of Right Wing Nationalists while letting the very scums of EU-led liberals wreak havoc in the minds of the people.

Such a disgrace.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Open Message to Liberal Fruitcakes

Anti-Trump protestors are blowing up around in America, thanks to money coming from George Soros. It's a shame the Mainstream media continues their Trump-hunt as well by shutting down a Muslim woman who voted for Trump because she is experiencing the "benefits" of Obamacare.

Well, I have a message for the Liberal Fruitcakes:

Thank Trump that you will not have to go on a pointless war as military recruits. Thank Trump you won't have to sacrifice your fragile Safe Space. Thank Trump you don't have to go overseas and find work outside of America unlike me who lives in a foreign country just to work and earn for my needs. Thank Trump he is not the bigot, racist, homophobe that the MSM portrayed him.But still you hate him? Hate him because he ran against the Democrats? Because he is not politically correct? Because of the Wall or banning Muslims entering America?

Then, go to Africa where people settle arguments with machetes or in Mexico where they kill for drugs. Canada will not allow you liberals if you don't have a degree or money to support yourself. Stop dreaming like it's the Liberal Utopia! Stop these utter madness, you have a lot of future to invest. Keep your "liberalism" intact but not rioting or bullying pro-Trump voters. Get a job if not a degree, you have a lot of privileges than most people of the world.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump wins against all odds

The American people voted for the best answer: Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America. I can't say anymore words than thank you to the Americans that voted for Trump, for the realization of the American dream. I am in tears because finally, the American people had awakened and realized they must take action for putting a person that will not just save America but will stabilize the world by talking to world leaders by the table and not the sword.

"Bind wounds of division"

That's what Trump on his victory speech.

Finally, Vladimir Putin won't need to tell the Russian people to prepare for war, Serbia will follow suit by kicking the izdajnici and get back Kosovo(if Vojislav Šešelj will run and win for the presidency), the Philippines can restore diplomatic ties, UK can force the Brexit it voted for, France and Germany kick out all LEFTist traitors and China can now breathe well without worrying for a war.

Globalists will cringe now, Liberals will cry like they are dying when in fact they are being saved, Oligarchs will now collapse around the world and America will become a model to all nations that will fight the globalist Leftist trash.

ISIS will never get the money it needs and no more pointless wars.

Trump! Trump! Trump!

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Clinton Crime Family's Balkan mess

Yes, Hillary Clinton escapes indictment. AGAIN. Sad thing FBI director James Comey caves in again.. I feel sick that they are not making sure this witch will not go to jail. But across the Atlantic, Bill Clinton's Albanians are rampaging in the Balkans that they must be stopped by their own kind.

Wannabe Kebab police said on November 5 that they had arrested seven people in various parts of Kosovo for alleged involvement in “terrorism and acts against the constitutional order and security of Kosovo. Meanwhile, in neighboring Albania, police say they have arrested four people for reportedly recruiting members for the Islamic State group and for funding rebel groups in Syria.

What a mess the sex addict did to the Balkans. Demonizing a dictator(Slobo) and with George Soros' money and the careful propaganda by Madeleine Albright, the Balkans will forever be messed:

  1. High crime rate
  2. Destruction of churches and monasteries
  3. Making the Balkans a transit for drugs and Wahhabists
  4. And a NATO base against Russia 
  5. Organ theft
 Now everyone knows why I am campaigning for Trump, supporting Putin, Vojislav Šešelj, Nigel Farage, Marine Le Pen, some moderate Golden Dawn members and the worldwide right wing conservative nationalist movements around the world. With that said, a Trump victory can indirectly, INDIRECTLY(at least) make sure Wannabe Kebabists will go away from Kosovo and the eventual return to Serbia.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Build a wall in SERBIA against disease carrying migrants

If both Presdesnik Tomislav Nikolić and Peder Premijer Aleksandar Vučić is listening to me now, hear my plead. I recently say from the news that migrants(Islamic Wahhabists) are carriers of lice that can transmit to typhus and trench fever.

The Institute for Public Health “Batut” said that in the transit-reception centers and centers for asylum all preventive and anti-epidemic measures have been taken in order to prevent the spreading of body lice and prevention of occurrence of new cases.

It's not enough they have a facility to counter the threat of diseases but to build a wall like how Donald Trump will do to prevent refugees carrying diseases to get to America. Serbia is not a breeding field for diseases but Peder Superman never cares!! NEVER!!!! Superman only cares about what the LEFTist Liberals tell him to do for money and fame!

Only a wall, physical and symbolical wall can deter the flooding of disease-stricken migrants. It's not racist to say this, it's the right thing to make sure every country, including Serbia can fight the plague that Globalist LEFTists want to install on their already beaten up country!!