Monday, May 26, 2014

EU is a total mess

For the past few months, EU member states' economy are goong down bit by bit because of recessions here and recessions there. What happened to the European identity both economically and politically?

Russia didn't joined EU, Slovenia regretted, Italy's Venetia talks of independence, Spain is hammered by recession, Croatia's Adriatic coast earnings go to Germans, EU failed to make Ukraine a member state, some countries didn't adopted the EU as their currency, Serbia is on the horizon on its government or its citizens, Greek economy hard hit and elsewhere.

This are just examples of the failures made by the continuing crisis in Ukraine and the shift of power towards China, Russia and other emerging superpowers. I know why history books are there. It is to remind us of the success and failures of every government and economic structure.

In the movie "Weight of Chains," Erik Valenčič was interviewed and recalled on his time in Serbian television as a foreign audience when he asked why in Slovenia, people don't believe in EU anymore. He was cut off by an ultra liberal guy from the political party G17 Plus while explaining Slovenia lost 50,000 jobs and sold its banks to EU member states while their industry moved elsewhere. Thus, enslaving their country as a province of EU and not as a free and democratic European state.

I don't know why people doesn't care that EU is anti-European. It shows in Eurovision 2014 were Austrian LGBT singer Conchita Wurst won just because he is gay and made a political statement while the Russian singers were booed because only of the Ukrainian unrest. While Western Europe is being ultra liberal and losing its values, Eastern Europe is a battleground between true European and anti-European groups until America will side of the anti-European and pro-EU group of politicians and will make Europe a safe haven for Saudi mercenaries, Gay parade and enslaving of the people where many in the EU circles of politicians want to destroy the Eastern Orthodox Church's credibility by associating it with Vladimir Putin's pro-religious and pro-equal state structure.

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