Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Južin Tok Dug

Prepare for Winter!

Vučić and Putin will have a phone conversation tomorrow.

According to the prime minister, "Serbia recognizes its debt," and finds it would be "right to pay EUR 100 million" - but that paying the entire EUR 200 million debt immediately, or by March, would be "too great a burden for us." 

This would "reflect on the public debt and the fiscal deficit that we wish to keep under control in 2015," revealed Vučić, and added: 

"We will try, although we accept and are not running away from our debt. We think there are reasons why Serbia should be met half-way, because we don't think everything is ideal in the business of some companies in Serbia, but we will present these objections in a partner-like manner." 

Vučić then stressed that his job was "to protect Serbia's interests," adding he would do that, and, as he did last week when he addressed the issue, the prime minister told citizens "not to worry."

By the Way Superman, how wouldn't the Srpski Narod would not worry? With your pro-EU policies and neglecting your own home based products, how can you pay just €200,000,000 debt? Paying a debt to your friend means you will get more instead of just losing your pro-EU ambitions. Wake up Superman! This is not the time to dream of a EU Srbija, wake up!

I am pissed when it comes to his slow decision making. It doesn't make sense when he is making crappy statements while he knew what his people need for Srbija and not for some greedy politicians, of course!

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