Friday, February 13, 2015

Mir u Ukrajina?

Last night, talks in Minsk are done and there would be a ceasefire to be drawn. Wait? Ceasefire? The multinational talks could be crap anytime since Petro Poroshenko is an avid lier. Merkel is letting herself the West's bride. Francois Hollande is incompetent still. Putin is trying to outmaneuver the EU. Lukashenko is like.... close to Vlady.

With alm that said, can these warring sides pacify the Ukrainian fascists and the pro-Russian Ukrainians? Poroshenko wanted that special autonomy for Eastern Ukraine but the pro-Russian Ukrainians and the Russian minority would not want to be a part of the fascist regime made possible by the Maidan. Putin is thinking of outmaneuvering the EU, for his own interests i think. But if he will, he should make sure no fascists remain. Only anti-fascistic politicians.

I don't support Putin but i have sympathy for those in Eastern Ukraine, the fact that they suffered a lot when they just wanted to voice their self-determination all the time. Self-Determination and not angering the West.

Kosovo anyone? Well, Russia used the Kosovo clause to get back it's seaport taken away by Nikita Krushchev back in the 50's despite it a Russian speaking province. Russia doesn't recognize Kosovo but it used the enemy's own rules. WOW!

How twisted EU was. I can't see an immediate ceasefire unless all the fascists in Ukraine are toppled and the Eastern Ukrainians would have at least an autonomous state or simply, a special region having their own language and not giving Ukraine a hard time.

Be Fair!

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