As I often said, Bosniaks are Wannabe Kebabs. Why I am saying they are Wannabe Kebabs? Very simple. Bosniaks would love Kebabist culture of the filth they were invaded back in the times of Medieval Bosnia, forgetting they were of either Serbs or Croats or of Bogomil Bosnian descents. Instead, they espouse the Kebabist feelings by their conquerors and are grateful they can assimilate in Kebabistan without ease. Too much Kebabism from Ankara....
It seems Bosniaks want to start a war, these time they will start it out and invade Srbija just to remove Novi Pazar, the home of Bosniaks of Serbia. It's a big shame these Muslim Slavs think of themselves not as Slavs but as Kebabists from Ankara.
"The abolition of the prohibitive measures ordered for the war criminal Orić, who is charged with crimes against Serbs in the Srebrenica area, as well as the statements Izetbegović where which compares Banja Luka and Novi Pazar, show that the policy of Bosniak (Muslim) officials in Bosnia-Herzegovina is aimed at destabilizing the region and provoking conflict with Serbia and the Serb people". Ivica Dačić
But it's not surprising for me if Naser Orić will get citizenship from Kebabistan and infect all in Bosna to be Kebabs themselves. Oh, a war of all sorts will be disastrous to Srbija unless NATO will not interfere nor George Soros.
So, while Ratko Mladić and Radovan Karadžić are not free, the likes of Orić and Ante Gotovina, proven war criminals will not go unpunished. Very unsurprising!
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