Monday, February 6, 2017

Stoltenberg sides by Kosovo

So, Jelena Milić's secret boyfriend Jens Stoltenberg sides with the occupiers in Kosovo. What's new? Nothing. But it's worth seeing that he sides with terrorists, since NATO secures terrorists ever since the 90's. His statement? Well:

“Not more rhetoric, but we need dialogue. We need to reduce tensions to avoid incidents…and move forward normalizing the process between Priština and Beograd.”

“Kosovo police can operate on the entire territory of Kosovo and the decision about it is made by Kosovo institutions or Priština. Now we have a stable situation and agreements made in Brussels should be respected so the region can stay calm.”

What does that mean? Unrestricted flow of weapons to the occupiers in Kosovo for sure. The tensions in the whole Balkan region is becoming more and more intense, Croatia, Kebabna, and Kebabania all targetting Serbia before and after Donald Trump's election and Vladimir Putin gift-wrapping the Serbs free fighter jets, missile, you name it. It's up to Aleksandar "Superman" Vučić(no way!!!) but he is still the Izdajnik that he is. That's all.

Why does the Serbs always become the fall-guys to the World Powers? I still don't get it.

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