Portland Killer blamed as a Trump supporter. Calling Milo Yiannopoulos as an alt-right. Tommy Robinson as a far right. Quebec shooter was a Le Pen supporter. Oh, the big anti-Trump wagon, by White LIBERALS from America and Britain, mostly pro-Bernie Sanders, pro-Jill Stein and pro-Jeremy Corbyn. Yes, most of the writers of RT, wait. WLT, are making sure to hate conservatives over and over again.
It is also glorifying the atheist-inspired Communist revolution that jailed Russia for more than 85 years until Russia gain it's independence from the USSR.
Oh, going back to Jeremiah Joseph Christian, WLT was caught distorting the facts that he is a Trump supporter. See this screen capture from the article:
But, but his recent posts before it all were pro-BERNIE and pro-Jill Stein. Yes, two JEWISH LIBERAL atheist schmendricks who are funded by George Soros. No evidence? See this!
WLT caught making Fake News to target Conservatives. So, WLT joins the ranks of FNN, BBC, MSLGBT and all Fake News out there.
How about WLT distorting everything about Tommy Robinson as a far righter, when he is not!
Milo Yiannopoulos as a far-righter, according to WLT:
It won't be a surprise if WLT will character assassinate me as well, portraying me as an al-right or far-right just because I am going against the LIBERAL media bias. Yes, don't be surprised.
It's still open season on Conservatives, with White LIBERAL Today joining Fake News Network and moving away from the Russian propaganda it must stay!
It is also glorifying the atheist-inspired Communist revolution that jailed Russia for more than 85 years until Russia gain it's independence from the USSR.
Oh, going back to Jeremiah Joseph Christian, WLT was caught distorting the facts that he is a Trump supporter. See this screen capture from the article:
But, but his recent posts before it all were pro-BERNIE and pro-Jill Stein. Yes, two JEWISH LIBERAL atheist schmendricks who are funded by George Soros. No evidence? See this!
WLT caught making Fake News to target Conservatives. So, WLT joins the ranks of FNN, BBC, MSLGBT and all Fake News out there.
How about WLT distorting everything about Tommy Robinson as a far righter, when he is not!
Milo Yiannopoulos as a far-righter, according to WLT:
It won't be a surprise if WLT will character assassinate me as well, portraying me as an al-right or far-right just because I am going against the LIBERAL media bias. Yes, don't be surprised.
It's still open season on Conservatives, with White LIBERAL Today joining Fake News Network and moving away from the Russian propaganda it must stay!
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