Thursday, August 24, 2017

GMC Racism out of control

The Government Media Complex or GMC is out of control. Racist here, racist there. Break Confederate statues here, over there or even outer space. And now, one of their tentacles, ESPN made one of the most pathetic move they can ever do. What's that?

One of their anchors named Robert Lee was supposed to be on the announcing team for the University of Virginia-William and Mary football game but got switched to Youngtown State vs Pittsburgh game, due to the fact, THE FACT that he shares the same name as that of a historical Confederate General named Robert Edward Lee, who doesn't want slavery to end, leading to the American Civil War of 1861-1865.

Wait, this announcer Robert Lee is of Asian descent, not White American European descent. ESPN shows how they are racist against Asian-American.

GMC is just out of control, even demonizing any Asian-American who has the name Robert Lee as well. Why not they kick out any Black whose name is Jefferson Davis or Jeffrey Davis even if a Black American wasn't aware of that Confederate president?

My head is half-laughing and half-angry, seeing this news, in plain English. This is just pathetic to be done, well....

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