Tuesday, October 31, 2017

My thougts on Halloween

As an Orthodox Christian, I prefer not to celebrate Halloween. Why should I celebrate it, when it's not my birthday or the feast day of my saint or birthday of family members? It's just either a Satanic ritual, due to the fact that some dress as the devil themselves; or by Capitalists to gain money. I am pro-capitalism, but if you remove the religious talk, I still won't go to Halloween events, because it's a waste of money.

Going back to my childhood, when I was a young boy who can't even grow my hair because of school regulations and my ever-loving family members forcing me that stupid barber's cut or clean cut.....Me and my family members go out on Halloween events, especially to those that have haunted houses and get some candies. They have those back home! Well, as a young kid growing up, I was oblivious to what Halloween means, and why most Roman Catholics won't mind about people dressing as Satan or the devils themselves......


On cable television, they will present people dressed as the dreaded "White Lady" or any fictitious entity made by people just to have their 5 minutes of fame, and made the viewers surprised, some may...I can't say the word since it's too disturbing.

But now, even years before becoming an Orthodox Christian, I stopped attending these events. It's not part of my system. Sorry. Yeah, judgemental I am, but I'll prefer to pray and attend liturgies than to dress as the devil or disgrace my faith. That's all. We all have opinions, but just don't make me go to Halloween. ;)

Monday, October 30, 2017

Both Spain and Catalonia pro-EU but...

Well, Catalonia seceded with much fanfare, while unionists in Spain also has. But one thing I noticed from both sides, they raise the EU flag. Well, should I mention Serbia all over again? Catalonia doesn't have the same situation as Kosovo. I have mixed reactions with this issue and remains neutral, due to the fact that if you look on Spain and Catalonia, they are both under the mercy of the Internationalist schmendricks. Divide and Conquer. Remember that.

But, should we ignore the fact that Spain joined those that bombed Serbia? Or Catalonia is being used by Soros?

Never ignore it.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

New Age Communism is destroying the world

The world is seeing maybe, MAYBE the worst kind of Communism it is facing, in my estimation. It is scary that, the LEFT(both Mensheviks and Bolsheviks) are on the rise. Remember my article about New Zealnad becoming extinct. Well, many people wanted America to go down. In my opinion, NO. If the LEFT succeeds in kicking Donald Trump out and replace him with a Bernie Sanders-type of politician who gets his funding from the millionaires and billionaires and steams up the LEFT wing radicals, in an act of hypocrisy.

Since the reign of Imam Barry Obama The Golfer, the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks of the 21st Century are gaining power through fraudulent elections and color revolutions by questionable millionaires and billionaires, like George Soros the most evil billionaire in the world today in my estimation. What does the LEFTist millionaires and billionaires funding and promoting?

  1. Same sex marriage
  2. Abortion
  3. Militant Atheism
  4. High Taxes
  5. Demonization of Conservatives
  6. Legalization of fatal illegal drugs
  7. Global Warming
  8. Unlimited influx of RAPEfugees
  9. Demonization of Christianity and Judaism; along with non-Islamic religions
  10. Sewer Pipe of Hollywood
In America, the New Age Communism is promoted not just by Soros and his minions, but as well as KATZENBERG HATZENBERG MATZENBERG and RATZENBERG through their sewer pipe.

Europe? Well....Merkel, MacSCHMUCK and all phonies who gave up their countries to the Globalists.

Beware of the New Age Communists. They are everywhere, and evident.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

RIP New Zealand

One after another, the newest form of Communism is spreading to the world, in the guise of progressive(regressive) political parties gaining power through parliamentary elections with MP's voting for those that will keep their interests going.

Enter Jacinda Ardern.

Who is this no-name MP who gained power, and will assume the premiership of New Zealand by October 26, she will be the nation's third female prime minister after Jenny Shipley and Helen Clark.

So what's wrong with a female becoming the nation's PM? Nothing. But look at what she supports, then you'll judge what I am implying:

  • Social Democracy
  • Progressive(Regressive)
  • Same Sex Marriage
  • Abortion
  • Raising the taxes
  • Maori language as mandatory
  • Lower Legal immigration but higher RAPEfugee influx
  • Countering the hoax, that is Global Warming
  • Legalizing Marijuana
 When looking at her beliefs, you get the picture. I don't want to comment more, but to tell my readers what I feel about the facts.

And my facebook post, you won't have to think of other things, in plain English. New Zealand will be much worse than Britanistan or Netherstan or Francostan, or Canada or Australija, Srbija i Grčka or even Trump's America(under attack) under Soros money and invasion, along with the sewer pipe made by KATZENBERG HATZENBERG MATZENBERG RATZENBERG SPIELBERG and all the other propagandists who wants to destroy our world!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Hollywood's betrayal of itself

As we heard for the past few days, Hollywood's pedophile and sexual abuse ring is being exposed and revealed slowly but surely. But about Harvey Weinstein's recent downfall, after a tape was exposed that he forced a model to watch him shower; of all the things. Something weird? Oh, why did KATZENBERG HATZENBERG MATZENBERG and RATZENBERG turned on him after the revelations?

I'll explain why:

KATZENBERG RATZENBERG HATZENBERG MATZENBERG and SPIELBERG are cleaning house now, to tell the rest of the world that they are clean. Well, they forgot to clean more evidences that they abuse not just women but men too. They made California the state of Drugs, Sex and Rock N'Roll. They made the sewer pipe that Michael Savage has been talking about for years. They invaded our minds with what we should not teach our kids or tell our friends in astray.

That's why they remove anyone who gets exposed by the heroes of our time, in my estimation, to look clean. Just like Harvey Weinstein, who's next? Well, only God nows who's next..

But if Donald Trump only have Conservatives in his inner circle and he himself move away from his LIBERAL roots, start a Senate hearing on KATZENBERG HATZENEBERG MATZENBERG RATZENBERG SPIELBERG and all the others that show calloused programs that teach our kids that drugs are fine and faith in God is wrong, or being a perverted sodomist is fine while protecting family values is wrong.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Izdajnici collaborates with the KEBABs

Very humiliating news. Yes, I read and saw something that makes me go overdrive. It's not just the meeting between Peder Predsednik Aleksandar Vučić and Recep Tayyip KEBABogan, but how Ivica Dačić sang a KEBABist song in front of everyone while that filthy KEBABist dictator, his wife and the stinking delegation watches in delight.

"Serbia feels Turkey as its friend" -Peder Predsednik

And uh....

“this is not 1389, as some think – this is 2017.”

“Our relations are important for Serbia’s future”

I feel that Peder Predsednik is leading Srbija into more destruction. And how KEBABogan visited that stinking city Novi Pazar filled with Wannabe KEBABs.. I had an advice to Wannabe KEBABs......Move to KEBABistan, forget yourselves as Serbian citizens! Glorify those that converted your ancestors into the Cult of Death or killed for not complying.

Oh, let's not forget Ivica(Serb from Kosovo) singing a KEBABist song, in front of guests in Beograd. These is just disturbing.

Ivica, Ivica, Ivica. Look at your home province, it is under Albanian colonialists. Then, Wannabe KEBABs fly the KEBABist flag in Novi Pazar during KEBABogan's visit. And then you sing a KEBABist song?!?!?! You forgot Niš? Where Serbs under Stevan Šinđelić fought until they have to delay the advancing KEBAB army which were far greater in numbers, and had to blow the place up; leading to their heads being placed on a tower of skull.

Those who don't know their history are condemned to repeat it. Well, in this case, the schmendricks in power knew, but will give up Srbija and sell it for money. You get the picture....

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Complicated matters

Something's complicated on this issue. Want me to say things unpleasant to all sides? Serbs are divided on the social media about the recent Catalonia Independence referendum. Some sides with Spain, others with Catalonia. Let's bring some points.

Look, as we all know; Spain was one of the 13 states that bombed Serbia back in 1999, through that NATOlogist Javier Solana. Ironically, the Spanish government won't recognize Kosovo, because of the Catalonia issue and they honor the UN rule about self-determination.

In March 2012, during a fierce debate between Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and Catalan MP and Convergence and Union spokesman Josep Antoni Duran i Lleida, Rajoy stated that he is opposed to the recognition of Kosovo as this is what suits the interests of Spain.

About Catalonia, yes they held a referendum. Right of Self-determination. They did it without cheating. But, as stated above, a Catalan separatist favored recognition of Kosovo. It seems to me they won't just recognize Kosovo, but will go for EU membership like Scotland's Nicola Sturgeon(that Hillarytard) or even NATO, which the schmendricks in the EU and NATO are waiting like snakes that they are, in my estimation.

It gets more complicated than what I see now. Spain bombed Serbia, yet won't recognize the mess they did. On the other hand, Catalan wants to recognize that mess. See, very unpleasant..