Tuesday, October 31, 2017

My thougts on Halloween

As an Orthodox Christian, I prefer not to celebrate Halloween. Why should I celebrate it, when it's not my birthday or the feast day of my saint or birthday of family members? It's just either a Satanic ritual, due to the fact that some dress as the devil themselves; or by Capitalists to gain money. I am pro-capitalism, but if you remove the religious talk, I still won't go to Halloween events, because it's a waste of money.

Going back to my childhood, when I was a young boy who can't even grow my hair because of school regulations and my ever-loving family members forcing me that stupid barber's cut or clean cut.....Me and my family members go out on Halloween events, especially to those that have haunted houses and get some candies. They have those back home! Well, as a young kid growing up, I was oblivious to what Halloween means, and why most Roman Catholics won't mind about people dressing as Satan or the devils themselves......


On cable television, they will present people dressed as the dreaded "White Lady" or any fictitious entity made by people just to have their 5 minutes of fame, and made the viewers surprised, some may...I can't say the word since it's too disturbing.

But now, even years before becoming an Orthodox Christian, I stopped attending these events. It's not part of my system. Sorry. Yeah, judgemental I am, but I'll prefer to pray and attend liturgies than to dress as the devil or disgrace my faith. That's all. We all have opinions, but just don't make me go to Halloween. ;)

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