Thursday, January 25, 2018

Rama is daydreaming

The news just keeps getting more and more worse, or laughable; like our schmuck of the day Edi Rama. Schmuck Edi hopes that Albanija i Srbija will join the Evropska Unija at the same time. Well, that's daydreaming in my estimation. Daydreaming is something Edi Rama fantasizes, it's just Aleksandar Vučić could make it possible; unless te Serbian people stand up against the schmuck paid with euros to betray Serbia.

Speaking in Davos, Switzerland on Wednesday, the Albanian prime minister said this could happen “under the assumption that Serbia recognizes Kosovo.”

“This is a performance-based process. Serbia has advantage because it is already negotiating and we hope to start negotiations this year,” Rama said.

“But that’s healthy competition and we would like to move faster and, why not, be in the same position in the future and to join the EU together, on the assumption that Serbia recognizes Kosovo,” he told reporters.

What competition?!?!? There's no competition when you steal the land of another! Stealing others' identity is stupid!

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