Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Yearly Easter Message

Every year, there's the Easter Liturgy and midnight(morning) dinner party. Every year, we fast and prepared for Christ's resurrection after conquering our sins by dying on the cross and conquering Hades in the process. Here's my thoughts about this year's Easter.

Lot of things are happening in the world now, it's somewhat disappointing that we don't have time to come back to God. But, to those that started on coming back to God, we can survive our purges and the most difficult times in our lives. Just remember how Christ himself saw it all as a perfect man and perfect God. And despite how he was sent to his death by the people, he forgave them without a second thought. He came back to life as the fulfillment of the prophecy and showed us the true light we need.

And for every darkness in our lives, there will be light. God will save us through all the challenges we face, because he loves us all. Never forget about how God never gave up on us despite all of our shortcomings and transgressions.

Hristos Voskrese, Vaistinu Voskrese!
Christ is Risen, Indeed he is risen!

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