Monday, January 7, 2019

Simple Christmas Message

Our world today is somewhat on the crossroads of various negative news, both real and fake. People still struggling to work to meet every single days' ends. Schism plaguing our beautiful and true Orthodox church. But did the Bogorodice had those problems we have? NO. Life was very simple those days, although she wholeheartedly agreed to God's plan to bear our lord and savior, Jesus Christ.


"And when the fullness of time was come, God sent His only-begotten Son" (Gal. 4:4), to save the human race. And when the ninth month had come after the archangel Gabriel appeared to the most holy Virgin in Nazareth, saying: "Hail) thou that art highly favoured... thou shalt conceive and bear a son" - at that time a decree went forth from Caesar Augustus that all the inhabitants of the Roman Empire be taxed. In accordance with this decree, everyone had to go to his own town and there be inscribed. Therefore righteous Joseph came with the most holy Virgin to Bethlehem, the city of David, for they were both of the royal House of David. But, there being a great many people in that small city for the census, Joseph and Mary could not find a lodging in any house, and found shelter in a cave which the shepherds used as a sheepfold. In this cave the most holy Virgin gave birth to the Saviour of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ. Bearing Him without pain, as He was conceived without sin of the Holy Spirit and not of man, she herself wrapped Him in swaddling bands, worshipped Him as God and laid Him in a manger. Then righteous Joseph drew near and worshipped Him as the divine Fruit of a virgin womb. Then the shepherds came in from the fields, directed by an angel of God, and worshipped Him as Messiah and Saviour. The shepherds had heard a multitude of angels singing: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill among men" (Luke 2:14). At that time there also came wise men from the East, led by a wonderful star, bearing their gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh, and worshipped Him as King of kings, offering Him their gifts (Matt. 2:11). Thus He came into the world Whose coming had been foretold by the prophets and Who was born in the way that they had prophesied: of the most holy Virgin, in the city of Bethlehem, of the lineage of David according to the flesh, at the time when there was no longer in Jerusalem a king of the tribe of Judah, but Herod the stranger was on the throne. After many types and prefigurings, messengers and heralds, prophets and righteous men, wise men and kings, finally He appeared, the Lord of the world and King of kings, to perform the work of the salvation of mankind that could not be performed by His servants. May His be eternal glory and praise! Amen.

„А кад се наврши вријеме, посла Бог Сина својега јединороднога” (Гал 4, 4), да спасе род људски. И кад се испуни девет месеци од благовести, коју јави архангел Гаврил Пресветој Деви у Назарету, говорећи: „Радуј се, благодатна... ево зачећеш и родићеш сина, и надјени му име Исус” (Лк 1, 18 и 31). У то време изиђе заповест од кесара Августа, да се попише сав народ у Царевини римској. Сходно тој заповести требаше свако да иде у свој град и тамо се упише. Зато Јосиф Праведни дође с Пресветом Девом у Витлејем, град Давидов, јер обоје беху од царског колена Давидова. Па како се у тај малени град слеже много народа ради пописа, не могоше Јосиф и Марија наћи конака ни у једној кући, због чега се склонише у једну пећину овчарску, где пастири овце своје затвараху. У тој пећини, а у ноћи између суботе и недеље, 25. децембра роди Пресвета Дева Спаситеља света, Господа Исуса Христа. И родивши Га без бола, као што Га је и зачела без греха, од Духа Светога, а не од човека, она Га сама пови у ланене пелене, поклони Му се као Богу и положи Га у јасле. Потом приђе и праведни Јосиф, и он Му се поклони као божанском плоду девичанске утробе. Тада дођоше и пастири из поља, упућени од ангела Божјег, и поклонише Му се као Месији и Спаситељу. И чуше пастири мноштво ангела Божјих где поју: „Слава на висини Богу и на земљи мир, међу људима добра воља” (Лк 2, 14). У то време стигоше и три мудраца с Истока вођени чудесном звездом, са даровима својим: златом, ливаном и измирном, и поклонише Му се као Цару над царевима, и дариваше Га даровима својим (Мт 2). Тако дође у свет Онај, чији долазак би проречен од пророка, роди се онако како би проречено: од Пречисте Деве, у граду Витлејему, од колена Давидова по телу, у време када више не беше у Јерусалиму цара од рода Јудина, него цароваше Ирод туђин. После многих Својих праобраза и наговештења, изасланика и весника, пророка и праведника, мудраца и царева, најзад се јави Он, Господар света и Цар над царевима, да изврши дело спасења људског, које не могоше извршити слуге Његове. Њему нека је вечна слава и хвала. Амин.

This day may not be a holiday here in Japan, but commemorating Christmas is really an important part of our Christian lives. Never forget the most beautiful gift we can ever have: Christ's birth.

Christ is born, glorify him!
Мир божији Христос се роди, Ваистину се роди!/Mir Božiji Hristos se rodi, vaistinu se rodi!
Поздравляю с Рождеством!
Рождество құтты болсын! 

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