Monday, March 25, 2019

Is oil what the big powers want?

USA, Russia, China, EU and other big powers wanted at the end of the day: OIL! OIL OIL OIL! Petroleum Petroleum Petroleum! Gas Gas Gas. Even if I am a Trump supporter and a Putin supporter, they all want is to get Venezuela or Saudi Arabia or Syria, or even Turkmenistan.

However, China uses it's friendship with Kazakhstan and Russia to dupe them sometime in the future, and take all of their oil for itself. USA, well everyone knows; just see both facts and conspiracy theories. Russia, is to "save face" due to the Russian Collusion Hoax or well... The EU? using capitalism to create a more heinous version of Communism.

Who would be the losers?

The third world, as usual, even those allied or has business dealings with any of the big powers. Please, wake up. Even if you support any of these world powers, be aware of their hunt for oil. It doesn't end in wars alone, it is made worse by shady dealings and user-friendly treaties.

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