Tuesday, April 9, 2019

What CTheorists won't admit

It creeps me whenever Conspiracy Theorists continue to shout they are against George Soros and Israel, and yet Soros has been trying to destroy Israel by shipping money into the world and putting NGO's in Palestine to meet that fantasy. But does the Conspiracy Theorists have gone nuts into the big denial?

Just see their comments and their actions. Once the collusion of Soros and Palestine gets exposed, they cry like babies and block anyone who would link Soros and Palestine.

If there's a reason besides this Soros-Palestine collusion why I despise Palestine, is that back in WWII, Adolf Hitler accepted the offer by Amin Al-Husseini to setup a Bosnian/Albanian SS to help eliminate the Serbian population. The strongest of all those that murdered the Serbs in cold blood, if not the Croat UstaĊĦe, the Bosnian SS or the Albanian SkanderBERG division.

Back to what I found years ago, most of these pro-Palestine Jews are also LIBERAL Jews that hate Israel. Do you think the Rothschilds support Israel these days? Nah, they are too Globalist to support a nationalist Israel. BOOM. Israel has banned Soros NGO's and still, Jews are the bad guys..

I know Israel has their own brutalities, but that doesn't hide how Conspiracy Theorists hides the connection of Palestine and Soros; to put the narrative that all Jews are taking over the world with psychic powers or hiding advanced technology..

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