Saturday, July 25, 2020

Will the Gongfeis attack the Russian minority?

The Chinese Communist Party has been on an anti-religious spree for the past few months even when the CCPVirus has been raging because of either an accidental spread or intentional then exporting it to us via the Chinese New Year migrations. Falun Gong, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity and even their own so-called Patriotic Catholic Church. But one of my concerns is about the Russian minority, practicing the Russian Orthodox faith with limits, and if the CCP will target them.

You know what I feel?

The CCP will target them for the obvious reason, as well as growing tensions with their best-friends-forever Russia due to the CCPVirus outbreak, as well as historical boundaries that is the current source of territorial disputes, e.g. Vladivostok and the Russian Far East cities.

Do you think Vladimir Putin will save the Russian minority from the yolk of his BFF's? Nah, never expect it because Putin is slowly moving Russia back into Atheism rather than stay to the path of Orthodoxy. Just look at the new Army cathedral that doesn't look like Orthodoxy and has tons of anti-Orthodox symbols from the 1917 revolution. Putin maybe selling Russia to both the European Union and Mainland China while pretending to be a tough guy.

Remember, once the French revolutionists ran out of Bourgeoisie to be guillotined, they turned to fellow revolutionists in kangaroo courts until all chaos will die out like the CCPVirus.

My warnings must be treated seriously, because I want to help and save, not to destroy and demonize.

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