Monday, October 19, 2020

Dan the Schmuck Hypocrisy 101

Victoria Premier Dan Andrews continues to use the CCPVirus as a means to lock Australians who reside in the state, inflating the numbers to as a scare tactic he got from the Chinese Communists and destroying churches and businesses from operating. But it doesn't get worst from that. He just allowed New Zealanders to come to the state with no quarantine measures and attended a Australian Football League game. You know what I'm shouting from here?


How come a politician who claims that all these CCPVirus measures "works", shipped his family to other states, while allowing foreigners top his own state and locks Victorians up? But it shows how hypocritical he is, like most petty dictators who use the pandemic-turned-fakedemic to use the emergency powers they currently have.

Victorians can't go to church yet nor upstart their business, protests against this petty dictator are banned; but New Zealanders can go there with impunity.

Like my commentary says: these petty dictators have rich ties with the Communist Bandit regime in Beijing, so it's no wonder they'll use every dictatorial powers they have now for their own good.

But here's the thing though, no bad deed will go unpunished. Once the Victorians can know the ways to get over these restrictions, they will expel Dan the Schmuck and send him to Beijing. And when that happens, it will have a ripple effect around the world, including here in Japan. Dan the Schmuck maybe having power now and showers himself with Renminbi Yuans, but he will lose his power once what I predicted, will eventually happen.

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