Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Victory Day Parade Importance

Why do the Russians and some countries in Europe(only) celebrated the Victory Day parade? Let's remove Putin because he is not the focus here. The focus here is how the allies set aside their differences during WWII to destroy the evil Fascist government. Ever since the Victory day in Europe, it is designated as May 9.

The most notable of the foreign troops that co-celebraed with the Russians are the Vojska Srbije/Serbian Army. Srpski Prdsednik Tomislav Nikolić was given the warning by the EU not to attend a Russian parade but he was too eager.

Here's the thing though. Out of the 69 heads of states that were invited globally, only 15 attended.

With all information said, the importance of this is the sacrifice the allies made in order to free us from the fascist yoke and enabling the future generations to work it out and remember their ancestor's memories as well.

Let's celebrate what our ancestors did than to glorifiy a new breed of fascism or the LGBT propaganda or the anti-religious laws of some brainless world leaders.

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