Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Enter Spetsnaz

Vladimir Putin's anti-ISIS conflict could end by simply sending out the Spetsnaz, the Russian equivalent of the CIA but not for war profiteering. Here's some points in just a single blow, terrorists in Syria and in Iraq could spell doomed on their heads.

The Spetsnaz are battle-hardened.
They flushed out the jihadists in Chechnya after the wars and notably, the hostagw crisis at Beslan.
The Spetsnaz don't need to profit from their expeditions.
There leader is well coordinated than Barack Hussein Obama.

In Obama's world of course, the Spetsnaz are simply annoyance and the ones he want to get rid of while continuing the war profiteering campaign in the Middle East to give money and sell arms.

In Putin's world, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, USA and the other powers that gave the ISIS, Al-Nusrah, Fake Syrian Army and other Takfiri groups would be wiped out without China's help. Putin doesn't need China's help regardless of how large the army is. He needs brutal tactics that will flush out every Takfiri available.

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