Monday, October 5, 2015

Putin's Blitzkreig vs Obama's Hypocrisy

ISIS targets. Blasted. Takfiris in either Iraq or Syria: Annihilated in one day only. What if Putin orders the Russian Armed Forces to destroy the entire ISIS? Of course war is over and order is restored. But how about Hussein Obama's bombing campaigns not just in Iraq but also Syria and others? Hospitals bombed. Civies killed. Not a single Takfiri got blasted.

What Obama said days ago about Russia's involvement in the Syrian Civil War is contrary to Western plans and civilians and moderate rebels are targets?? Poor CNN. Liberalism and being the clueless Obamite they are, showing to the world cover ups like Russia bombed civilians.

Not even one of the moderates are targets by Russian jets. Come on, Western media. Get real!

What Putin does is to make sure World War III will never happen. That's what I feel. While Obama wants war to gain money of course. How can a militaristic country gain profits without wars?! Simple of course. Send money and rebel. But that will not work since Putin had enough of a gun that could trigger WWIII so, he sent in the mighty bears to destroy ISIS in one swipe. What else can Russia do good? Take in refugees the best way of course.

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