Wednesday, March 30, 2016

CNN doesn't care about the Syrian Reconquista

As expected, Barack Hussein Obama and David Cameron Pig-F***** never congratulated the liberators of Palmyra. And CNN doesn't care because it's not their victory as well. The Western media will never discuss this because their propaganda failed this time unlike back in 1999 when Srbija was bombed thanks vigorous propaganda by Christiane Amanpour and the US State Department.

Nonsense news, anti-Trump propaganda and no mention of the reconquista. Typical CNN. Can't say much words on how they failed to portray Bashar Al-Assad as the evil guy here while the moderates slaughter Christians, Yazidis, Kurds, Shiite Muslims and their fellow moderates. Now that's failure for you.

I made this article while listening to the RT's flagship show "CrossTalk" by Peter LaVelle and the episode title is "Scapegoating Russia". And the title says it all, the panel discussed how the Reconquista wasn't discussed by mainstream liberal media mostly CNN or BBC and neither Obama or the Pig-F***** gave a damn.

Now, everyone see who are hypocrites and who are defending their land against Western Imperialism.

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