Friday, March 25, 2016

The Hague Double Standards

Now, the Kangaroo Court in The Hague, Netherlands called ICTY or International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia gave Radovan Karadžić 40 years in prison for the alleged deaths of thousand Bosniaks which he never directly or indirectly did! Not even an ethnic slur he gave on Bosniaks. Want some proof?

"You want to take Bosnia and Herzegovina down the same highway to hell and suffering that Slovenia and Croatia are travelling. Do not think that you will not lead Bosnia and Herzegovina into hell, and do not think that you will not perhaps lead the Muslim people into annihilation, because the Muslims cannot defend themselves if there is war – How will you prevent everyone from being killed in Bosnia and Herzegovina?"

 Naser Orić roams free. Ante Gotovina roams free. Hashim Thaci roams free. 

Meanwhile they want to arrest Vojislav Šešelj again while now they have one of the fiercest protectors of the Serbs from the Globalists, now it makes sense to me. The Globalists(NATO and George Soros) clearly wanted to divide and conquer the Serbs more than what they did elsewhere in the world. The thing is, the Serbs are Orthodox Christians and not Muslims or Jews or Roman Catholics like what mainstream media wants us to believe. Of course, CNN was RESPONSIBLE for spreading the evil propaganda demonizing the Serbian people. 

Pravda za Radovanje! Samo Sloga Srbina Spasava!

1 comment:

  1. "The thing is, the Serbs are Orthodox Christians and not Muslims or Jews or Roman Catholics like what mainstream media wants us to believe."
    WHAT? The mainstream media actually says that the Serbs are Roman Catholics or Muslims? Let's be honest here, Bosnian Muslims and Serbs are one nation with the only difference being religion. Those religious sentiments were corrupted to create Wahabism in Bosnia. Izetbegovic with his "Islamic Declaration" became a candidate to presidential elections in 1990 and lost to Fikret Abdic who was an ally to Serbs. With the help of local Wahabi criminals like Naser Oric and Ejup Gahic and the foreign mujahideen he attempted to seize the government. Karadzic warned against the dangers of this move. He thought more of the interests of Muslims than Izetbegovic ever did. He just cared to form a country of his own (only his own) no matter the cost. Yet, Fikret Abdic was punished by 13 years of imprisonment for protecting Muslims and the Serbs who were targets of Wahhabi attacks. Otherwise Western Bosnia would have been like Srebrenica, in which Serb civilians were brutally murdered by Islamist gangs. The REAL Srebrenica massacre was that, so called Srebrenica gossip is about the Bosnian Serb army taking control of the town and killing those perpetrators off, their photographs were well spread to punish them for killing civilians as Oric bragged about it.
