2017 is near but I will take a long fast backwards. 2016 would go down in history as the year when right wing conservatives/nationalists are taking back their countries from the globalist trash. Another one, the big LIBERAL meltdown due to these satanic destruction of the LEFT.
Just some few notes:
- ISIS crumbles
- Brexit, Duterte victory, Trump victory, Le Penn family becoming a force
- LEFTist LIBERAL machine cringe, TRIGGERED and melting
- Russia gains respect, Obama's last scorch earth tactics against Trump
- Anthony "Carlos Danger" Weiner's third sexting scandal doomed Hillary Clinton's bid for presidency
- "Blame the Russians" game
- Continuing Russophobia
- Aleksandar Vučić destroying Serbia from within
- Hungary and Slovakia blocking terrorists
- Germany, France and most of Western Europe under terrorist attacks by their own leaders
- Right Wing conservative/Libertarian centrist/alternative medias under attack by the Globalist LEFTist Liberal decaying media
- The world still forgets Africa
- Kebabistan playing victim
- Syrians slowly returning to their homes
- Michael Savage, conservative radio show host cut off the air back in September 26 for mentioning Hillary's health problems and how Levodopa side effects makes her on those bizarre head bumping episodes or fainting.
- Pan-Orthodox council and it's implications
- Pope Francis espousing the dangerous Liberation theology or depopulation of the world.
Srećan Nova Godina svima.
Happy New Year
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