Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Dr. Savage very angry about the disgraceful news

Listening to Dr. Michael Alan Weiner aka Michael Savage is a food for the mind. Indeed. He was supposed to be in vacation, resting and writing his would-be last book before he won't right anything. After hearing the news of the Islamo-fascist driver steal the truck from a Polish truck driver, ramming it into a crowd in Berlin, Germany killing 9 and the assassination of Andrei Karlov at the hands of a Kebab police officer who was not on duty in Ankara, Kebabistan made him come back to radio asap.

As of how I am writing this article, his mood is very angry, he shouts. It means how the liberal media continues the media bias for appeasing Islam. Let's face it: Islam is the Cult of Death, especially it's Sunni branch.

Recently, Angela Merkel ordered the release of the Muslim who rammed the truck into the German crowd for "lack of evidence", well, it's a tactic used by the East Germans. As Savage mentions everytime, Merkel is doing the reverse of how Adolf Hitler, the LEFTist socialist trash in history. Hitler invaded other countries. Merkel allows her country to be invaded by the most radical of all Sunni Muslims.

About the Russian ambassador killed, he got a translated version of what the Kebabist murderer said:

“We have made an oath to Muhammad to die in martyrdom...a revenge for Syria and Aleppo.”"Don't forget Aleppo. Don't forget Syria." “We die in Aleppo, you die here.”
The man then yelled: "Stand back. Stand back. Only death will take me out of here.
"Anyone who has a role in this oppression will die one by one."
He also shouted "Allahu akbar," the Arabic phrase for "God is great" and continued in Arabic: "We are the descendants of those who supported the Prophet Muhammad, for jihad. We are the ones who pledged loyalty to Muhammad to fight jihad as long as we live!”

Now, only time can tell if how the Liberal media will cover this up.

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