Monday, March 27, 2017

Serbs: We will never accept NATO apologies

I want to ask my readers: Would you love a foreign entity that bombed the hell out of your country for 78 straight days?

If I were to be asked, what's my answer?

NO, NO and NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Logical answer, of course! Who on their right mind would say they will? Jelena Milić? Of course, she favored the bombing of her country, taking bribes from her secret boyfriend Jens Stoltenberg and lashes out on Vojislav Šešelj. I am not making this one up.

A previous survey conducted by the Institute of European Affairs, which of course a front of both the Evropska Unija and NATO inside Srbija was overwhelmed by the Serbian people who answered, no accepting of apologies. You know what it means?  Serbs will forever remember this. Let's look at the numbers:

64%-Serbs won't accept apologies from NATO
84%-Serbs under the age of 60 won't accept a NATO membership
40%-Serbs know it's a EU pre-condition

Meanwhile, on the other hand:

Respondents identified LDP leader Čedomir Jovanović as the strongest supporter of close relations with NATO (23 percent), followed by PM and presidential candidate Aleksandar Vučić (20 percent), and presidential candidate Vuk Jeremić (16.6 percent).

As for the NATO’s bombing of Serbia, the survey showed than just under 40 percent of citizens think former Serbian and Yugoslav President Slobodan Milošević’s policy was the main reason, 17.6 percent think it was done in order to ethnically cleanse Serbs in Kosovo, 11.3 percent named “political interests,” while seven percent “could not state any reason.”

Why blame Slobo? I'll blame him for helping Dafina Milanović and Jezdimir "Jezda" Vasiljević for stealing money from the Serbs during the sanctions, as well as the abduction and murder of his bestie, Ivan Stambolić but not, NOT the ethnic cleansing of Albanians, which as done by the KLA on the native Serbs, as well as their fellow Albanians.

NATO did a heinous crime, but the Serbs paid their price. That's what really happened! If a Serb forgets that and tells me there's nothing to be done, he or she is not a Serb!!!! They succumbed to the mental illness of LIBERALISM and the Western LIBERAL ideologies that is trying to destroy the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Serbian national identity!

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