Thursday, March 9, 2017

Vučić will be the Serbian Obama, don't vote for him!

Let me discuss something about Superman. Yes, finger-pointing style. But wait, it doesn't come fabulously. Aleksandar Vučić aka Superman is running for Srpski Predsednik. That's right. But can I compare him to Barack Insane Obama? Of course, they have the same traits, although Obama is the snake, Superman is the gullible fool that goes to where the lollipop is. Literally, Superman may turn Serbia into a running joke if he wins. Srbija is in danger. What I want to tell Serbs? Vote Šešelj!

Why Vučić maybe the Serbian Obama? Just my observation but it's a stern warning.

  1. Superman is too LIBERAL
  2. He will not allow free speech
  3. He takes money from a lot of special interests
  4. Taxing the Serbian people/Srpske Narod to death
  5. Giving up Serbia's sovereignity
  6. A lot
Well, em I wrong? NO! Just see the news, not fake news by some goons and thugs in Beograd. I warn the Serbs, voting for Superman is a vote for the destruction of Srbija.

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