Monday, June 19, 2017

Is Trump moving towards a trap?

Here we go again. Donald Trump orders another intrusion into Syria, downing a Su-22 in Southern Raqqa. Does Trump knows what it means by attacking Bashar al-Assad means triggering WWIII? Or he is doing it to divert the attention of Democans, and now the traitorous-Republicrats from the Comey hearings or the infamous Russian Hacking hoax.

But, I feel Trump is falling into a trap that Nancy Pelosi, Mad Maxine Waters, Paul "Benedict Arnold" Ryan, Bernie "The Seltzerman" Sanders, John McShame and the drug-addicted celebrities had set upon him. Do you want me to elaborate how that trap was set up?

  1. Create a hoax, involving Russia.
  2. Continue the big lie, until it becomes the truth.
  3. Show fake news.
  4. Make Trump attack Syria, making him vulnerable to a future impeachment. 
That's how I see it. The recent attack on Assad was the fifth, days after Benedict Ryan and the Republicrats betrayed Trump, AGAIN!!! After the media smears him with Russia, Russia, Russia hacking hoax.

But Trump must control himself, stop following your LIBERAL inner circle! Fire them! Replace them with true Conservatives to make the wall fast, cut more taxes, create jobs and help Russia destroy ISIS and the Globalist Cabal!!! Stop bombing Syria everytime the Democan-Republicrat machine goes on the offensive because it will not just cost you the presidency but your loyal supporters!

I know, it might get me hated by other Conservatives, but true Conservatism means preserving peace, just like Michael Savage said!

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