Guess what happened today? A man named James T. Hodgkinson fired upon 5 men, including a Republican Congressman named Steve Scalise, who is now stable but in critical condition. Of course, the police fatally shot the human garbage and died because of his wounds. Well, that shows how Bernie "the Seltzerman" Sanders ferments a civil war, along with the Democrat Party to blame Donald Trump of racism, a crime he never committed but just because he is a White and Masculine American. As we all know, LIBERALs rejoiced and the police won't mention the suspect's Communist fantasies.
The shooter’s Facebook page was also linked to a long list of far left-wing groups and pages, including, “Expose Republican Fraud,” “Liberal Democratic Socialist Party,” “Boycott The Republican Party,” “I Hate Donald Trump,” “Healthcare & Education Berners United to Resist Trump,” among others.
The now deceased shooter also noted on his Facebook page that MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show was one of his “favorite TV shows.”
It's still part of the LEFT's open season on Conservatives, Trump supporters and now, Republicans. Wait, LIBERALs rejoiced and mentioned it as karma, citing violence as just to counter us, conservatives.
But it's sickening looking on other tweets, yes but I can't say those words since it's a family show. These schmendricks have no idea that they are violating the 1st amendment. Oh, the suspect has an expired license of carrying guns, and may have violated the 2nd amendment. But to LIBERALs, violence is just, to kill Trump.
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