Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Kurds vs Turkish Republic and ISIS

Before i proceed, i want to thank the website Russia Today for making sure my mind would think of a much better article to write about. Enough praises.

Since the ISIS invasion, Turkey and the Western allies carpet bombed Syria and Kurds altogether than to fight a formidable ISIS. America and the EU countries with the help of Turkey, ISIS and Al-Qaeda are making the odds against the Iraqi army and the Peshmerga 3:2, which is totally unfair. The Peshmerga or Kurdish paramilitary units are all alone in thr north. What happened in Kobani is a total act of heroism by the Kurds and, total cowardice by the Turkish Army with the help of the ISIS. Of course!

The Islamic State (IS, previously known as ISIL and ISIS) has emerged and erupted across northern Syria and Iraq as a direct consequence of the West’s disastrous policy of military intervention in the region, going back to 2003 with the war in Iraq. Moreover, in pursuit of its domination of this oil-rich part of the world, Washington and its allies have extended themselves in propping up a constellation of corrupt regimes across the region — specifically Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait - while at the same time failing to arbitrate a just settlement for the long suffering Palestinians.

This is not a game. The Kurds defending Kobani, the Syrian people as a whole, the Iraqi people — the people of the Middle East in their entirety — demand an end to the double dealing, opportunism and hypocrisy that has defined the West and its allies’ role in creating the conditions for the carnage being visited upon them by this murder cult.

Instead of supporting the regime of Bashar Al-Assad, the West wanted Syrian oil, in a futile excuse to make Assad a world dictator, which he never threatened America or Wahabists allies all in all. Just because his government has more Shiites or Greek or Syriac Orthodox Syrians than Sunnis is you have to topple a secularist state in favor of a Sunni fanatical one? Get over your World Pipeline dream Barrack Hussein Obama!! Get over with!

The Kurdish people are alone defending their homeland against the imbecile ISIS and the corrupt states surrounding Syria. Israel is being brainwashed by American Foreign Policy while the State of Michigan is in total bankruptcy. But why Obama is sabotaging America? Of course! To make a pathetic excuse like Bill Clinton did! But the Kurdish people are still standing up against these medieval terrorists, in thr name of God and their future.

The one that truly can say Allahu Akhbar or God is great are only those who truly wage a holy war against invading nations or fanatical terrorists or those loyal to the state regardless of race, religion and standing.

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