Saturday, June 25, 2016

I had been attacked by Leftards and Kebabists

Making a recent Youtube video about the victory of Brexit and comments about it along with the Kebabist Fantasies of Kebabistan Grand Master Recep Erdogan, I had been bashed all over the place like before but the comment relating to Kebabist fanboys are just too repetitive enough that I don't replied more.

When I pointed out something how the Leftists and Globalists are in danger, one LIBERAL just tried to nail me down but I am quick to shut him down by citing Liberalism is the scum we are into and the political correctness we are taught to be correct.

And then the Kebabist fanboys as usual, trolling me in the Facebok page of Rusia Today or RT. But their comments are true racism and they think I am pretending to be a Serb. Ok, I am Filipino-Japanese, who loves Serbia and their comments are like a wheel, too much repetitive! That's Kebabist thugs when they are paid by fools in Ankara to troll everyone in RT that speaks out against the dictatorship of Kebab Master Erdogan.

When will all these fools realize I am just telling the truth?

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