Thursday, June 2, 2016

True Love is not easy but not impossible

Yeah, I am daydreaming all the time at work. I can't focus myself on politics or religious issues because I am in love.(Laughs). She's like a princess to me regardless of the age gap she and I are into. And she attends divine liturgies, the very woman I am praying for to God.

Of course, true love is not easy to achieve but, not impossible because there's a mutual understanding between you and the person. It's not easy because there's a lot of options. We don't know if one of them is your true soulmate or just another lessons learned. But it's not impossible because it happens all the time.

Maybe we fall often or rarely but very depressing but, people come into our life to teach us a lesson we need to learn. Life is not easy but we can find love through it all with wonderful hearts joining as one. I hope it happens to me again. I feel my soulmate is just there.

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