Monday, June 6, 2016

Kebab Master vs German Turkish MP's over Armenian Genocide

The Kebabist fanatsies of Recep Tayyip Erdogan continues! Guess whom he targeted?

The German MP's of Turkish descent(That's right, Turkish) who voted in favor of recognizing the Armenian Genocide. And of course the Kebab Master doesn't want anything that touches Kebabness even with some Turkish Diaspora. To be clear, the Turkish diaspora who voted for it are German citizens and not born in Kebab State.

German MPs of Turkish origin who voted to recognize Armenian genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire are facing death threats, after the Turkish president said their blood is tainted and should be tested in a lab for ‘Turkishness.’
Recep Tayyip Erdogan continued his vocal criticism of last week’s German resolution in a speech at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, which was televised in Turkey on Sunday.
“Turkish?” he exclaimed as he was speaking about the German MPs. “Their blood should be tested in a lab!”
“Their blood is impure and we know whose spokespeople they are,” Erdogan told a cheering audience. “They are the long arm of the separatist terrorists placed in Germany.”

Eleven MPs of Turkish origin voted for the resolution last week, sparking a barrage of accusations from Ankara. German Green Party leader Ozcan Mutlu is at the forefront of the verbal assault and was granted police protection due to the large number of death threats he has received from Turkish nationalists.

I don't mention it as Turkishness but Kebabness since 1923 when the WWI victors permitted the crazy Mustafa Kebab Ataturk to take Konstantinopolis and the whole of the Anatolia, which is Greek! Greek! And now even the Turkish German MP's recognizes the genocide, which will spell doom to the Kebab State as it is being overthrown within and not from the outside.

Karma strikes in mysterious ways, Kebabogan!

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