Monday, December 18, 2017

A Future worth Sacrificing

As time passes by, I ponder on a future wedding I work, pray and hope for. Of course, life is much harder this generation than the previous ones. But I won't make politics on this article. It's just, having a family is very sacred and important. It provides happiness to all and an inspiration. So, does almost killing yourself at work to earn a lot or praying and going to church is necessary for that future?

I say, YES.

Despite the rising taxes and the hardships of being alone, I strive to make sure I won't be complacent when big-time money comes to me. I have to earn more, because a wedding is not just that word I can't say since it' a family show or for visa or money; but for the future with happiness and love. I've got to show my love for my girl, because she is my chosen future. Of course!

I am a man, and it's what a man must do and never forget!

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