Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 a crazy year, 2017 is near

2017 is near but I will take a long fast backwards. 2016 would go down in history as the year when right wing conservatives/nationalists are taking back their countries from the globalist trash. Another one, the big LIBERAL meltdown due to these satanic destruction of the LEFT.

Just some few notes:

  • ISIS crumbles
  • Brexit, Duterte victory, Trump victory, Le Penn family becoming a force
  • LEFTist LIBERAL machine cringe, TRIGGERED and melting
  • Russia gains respect, Obama's last scorch earth tactics against Trump
  • Anthony "Carlos Danger" Weiner's third sexting scandal doomed Hillary Clinton's bid for presidency
  • "Blame the Russians" game
  • Continuing Russophobia
  • Aleksandar Vučić destroying Serbia from within
  • Hungary and Slovakia blocking terrorists
  • Germany, France and most of Western Europe under terrorist attacks by their own leaders
  • Right Wing conservative/Libertarian centrist/alternative medias under attack by the Globalist LEFTist Liberal decaying media
  • The world still forgets Africa
  • Kebabistan playing victim
  • Syrians slowly returning to their homes
  • Michael Savage, conservative radio show host cut off the air back in September 26 for mentioning Hillary's health problems and how Levodopa side effects makes her on those bizarre head bumping episodes or fainting.
  • Pan-Orthodox council and it's implications
  • Pope Francis espousing the dangerous Liberation theology or depopulation of the world.
Well, a lot of things will happen starting tomorrow. Let's hope good things will happen.

Srećan Nova Godina svima.
Happy New Year

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Kebabogan wants recognition; ignores his own sins

I am enjoying the vacation. But, I missed writing on my blog. What is funny these days about Kebabistan's Grand dictator Recep Tayyip Kebbogan tells everyone it's just the US army that helps funds ISIS, so does some ISIS-leaning Kurdish militants. Let's clap our hands that he is showing us the Middle Eastern version of Comedy Central. He forgot to mention how the Kebab Army helped ISIS escape the Syrian frontline, recover from wounds and be armed with US-bought arms.

“They were accusing us of supporting Daesh (Islamic State),”

“Now they give support to terrorist groups including Daesh, YPG, PYD. It’s very clear. We have confirmed evidence, with pictures, photos and videos.”

“The international coalition must carry out its duties regarding aerial support to the battle we are fighting in al-Bab,” Kebabogan’s spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, said at a news conference.

“Not giving the necessary support is unacceptable.”

 Now, who's talking the hypocrisy? How about letting ISIS experiment sarin gas on animals on Turkish soil back in 2011? Shooting down the Russian jet attacking ISIS-affiliated "moderates" back in November 2015? This December, Andrei Karlov's assassination in the hands of a Kebab police officer that was off-duty? Letting ISIS get away with Syrian oil? Those are just the things Kebabogan is guilty.

As I said many times, Kebabs are not trustworthy enough of the world's trust. It is not a joke.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Idiot LEVEL: 1001%

My tone on this is just: IDIOTI i izdajnik!!!!!! When a big brother gives fighter jets to his little brother unconditionally, the little brother must take it as soon as possible. But, what the big Izdajnik in Beograd, yes.. The Peder Premijer Aleksandar Vučić just told Rusija that he will buy, not take it for free. Stupidity? 1001%!!! Laugh or angry, you bet it. How stupid Superman is.

Under the deal, due to be signed in March-April 2017, Belgrade is expected to get used MiG-29 jets free-of-charge, paying only for their repair. This information was confirmed by Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić after his recent meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov.

However, Vučić insists that Serbia should buy the aircraft, although at a price below the market. Apparently, this has great importance for the Serbian premier, the paper says.

I am too annoyed. Very annoyed!! This could have been a better deal for Srbija but it's Peder premijer just keeps on becoming the crying little baby that he was ever since.!!!!!!1

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Dr. Savage very angry about the disgraceful news

Listening to Dr. Michael Alan Weiner aka Michael Savage is a food for the mind. Indeed. He was supposed to be in vacation, resting and writing his would-be last book before he won't right anything. After hearing the news of the Islamo-fascist driver steal the truck from a Polish truck driver, ramming it into a crowd in Berlin, Germany killing 9 and the assassination of Andrei Karlov at the hands of a Kebab police officer who was not on duty in Ankara, Kebabistan made him come back to radio asap.

As of how I am writing this article, his mood is very angry, he shouts. It means how the liberal media continues the media bias for appeasing Islam. Let's face it: Islam is the Cult of Death, especially it's Sunni branch.

Recently, Angela Merkel ordered the release of the Muslim who rammed the truck into the German crowd for "lack of evidence", well, it's a tactic used by the East Germans. As Savage mentions everytime, Merkel is doing the reverse of how Adolf Hitler, the LEFTist socialist trash in history. Hitler invaded other countries. Merkel allows her country to be invaded by the most radical of all Sunni Muslims.

About the Russian ambassador killed, he got a translated version of what the Kebabist murderer said:

“We have made an oath to Muhammad to die in martyrdom...a revenge for Syria and Aleppo.”"Don't forget Aleppo. Don't forget Syria." “We die in Aleppo, you die here.”
The man then yelled: "Stand back. Stand back. Only death will take me out of here.
"Anyone who has a role in this oppression will die one by one."
He also shouted "Allahu akbar," the Arabic phrase for "God is great" and continued in Arabic: "We are the descendants of those who supported the Prophet Muhammad, for jihad. We are the ones who pledged loyalty to Muhammad to fight jihad as long as we live!”

Now, only time can tell if how the Liberal media will cover this up.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Stab in the Back 2.0

Look at the title I made. That's how I feel since this Tuesday morning, awakening to the news that Russian Ambassador to Kebabistan, Andrei Karlov was killed by Kebabist riot police officer Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş by a pistol, shouted Allahu Akbhar and shouted Aleppo.

"Clearly a provocative act" aimed at undermining both Russian-Turkish relations and the settling of the Syrian crisis." -Vladimir Putin

"Violation of all rules of civilized order" and saying it was carried out by a "radical Islamic terrorist. "Today we offer our condolences to the family and loved ones of Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov, who was assassinated by a radical Islamic terrorist." -Donald Trump

Guess what's my take on the assassination? Another provocation to lure Russia into a pointless war with NATO, maybe to delay or make sure Donald Trump will never seat at the White House or if it's on Russian interests, try to destroy Russia along with flooding Europe by millions of refugees. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's Recep Tayip Kebabogan's standard plan to make sure Russia will be busy with wars.

Kebabogan never learned. He was given a second chance by Putin despite the fact he ordered the Russian jet to be fired at, as well as the rescue helicopter that tried to find any victims or survivors. This is the same Kebabogan that funded ISIS, Al-Nusra and continues the persecution of Christians since the times of the Kebab Empire and the subsequent Young Kebabs led by Mustafa Kemal Atatakebab.

Kebabs are truly traitors, they made another stab in the back.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Mainstream Media, a tragic comedy

So, when the mainstream media tried their best to demonize both Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, they still failed. Behold, the laughing stock that is the mainstream media. Ever since the Trump victory, people from Barack Hussein Obama to the schmucks in the liberal media are creating their own fantasies that Russian hackers made sure the computers will display Donald Trump's name as their vote.

Well, nice try mainstream media.

 And then, the sick liberal media tried to portray the Russian people as the reason of their failures of containing the Right Wing Conservative movement in America. Everything on mainstream news, newspapers and everything, blame the Russians. They may have succeeded in portraying the Serbs as the bad guys back in the 90's through Joe Biden, Madeleine Albright, Bernie Sanders, Javier Solana, Bill Clinton, Christiane Amanpour and all liberal filth in the political and journalist scene but not today, thanks to the internet.

Well, MSM still want to blame the Russians for the "genocide" in Aleppo, Syria but the truth is that terrorists affiliated to ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the LEFTist movement are pleading they be saved through mainstream media of course. Talk about playing victim in front of the world that will destroy them.

How many years does the dinosaur media will have? Well, I will create my own prediction. Once Trump and Putin have a historic peace agreement and friendly cooperations.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Izdajnici continues the suicide to EU

This is just too disappointing to write over and over again! Stop self-suicide to the Globalist scums that invaded your country since 1999! It's not worth to join a dying political-economic entity when it is now just another Soviet style un-elected group of business mafiosso's..

For me, the European Union is nothing more than a neoliberal trash bin that awaits all members that come and try to experience growth. Well, the EU is becoming more of a dictatorship. Look at the awesome political correctness that is happening. The Soviet Union style censorship of right wingers, religious people and flooding it's member states of Sunni Muslims from war-torn countries that are funded by George Soros! Haven't the Izdajnici watched Težina Lanaca? Lessons learned? NO. They never learned because they want money and fame. Anyone who is deemed as true right wing nationalists and true Orthodox Christians in Serbia are now being targeted, jailed, or simply put to sleep!

Let all other countries join but retake Kosovo! Accept a future reunification with Milorad Dodik's Republika Srpska! Align with Russia! Re-organize the economy and military! Have a Serbian Orthodox revival!


Croatia is showing it's Leftist NAZI attitude because of the ChocolateGate involving Kolinda Grabar Kitarović. Montenegro is under NATO and EU colonialism. What do I have to say!?!?!??!?!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Fake News strikes!!!!

This is a propaganda signed by Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin. JOKE!

Well, fake news by Mainstream media strikes yet again. See the "news" that is being flashed into our TV screens that the Syrian Armed Forces will commit genocide in Aleppo or Russian hackers caused Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump in the recent 2016 elections.

Not surprising that mainstream media is desperate that they cannot blame White people, Conservative Christians, Open minded libertarians and others. They blame Russia to get sympathy for Clinton. Aleppo? Reminds of the blatant propaganda against Serbs back in the 90's. Not surprising.

Dinosaur media as what Alex Jones called it, is now in extinction because of it's own narrative: repetitive and too much liberal. Simple as pie.

Stop demonizing Trump, Putin, Assad, conservatives, Right wingers, libertarians, Serbs and God-fearing people. It won't work anymore.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

To the Serbs: Russia or EU??

Very alarming rhetoric that Sergey Lavrov exposed during his time in Srbija recently. Guess what? Yes, it's the European Union, extending their obsession with Soviet-era mentality against the Russian people. Like the Fake News by Liberals in America, the Satanic EU is telling everyone that Russia is operating a spy center in Niš, disguised as the Russian-Serbian Humanitarian Center and it must be closed so that Srbija can continue with it's EU ascension but, but! But. 

 “The EU thinks the Russian-Serbian Humanitarian Center in Niš is a nest of spies, a threat to the security in Europe… We know that Brussels calls on Serbia to close the center if Serbia wants to enter the European Union and demands Serbia to behave in the way like the Montenegrin leader, who has just betrayed all his commitments, all his promises, who has betrayed Russia despite the fact that Russia has not done anything bad to him,” Lavrov said.

He added that such a strategy of the European Union to be “friends against someone” was not shared by Moscow, which considered that friendship should be established “not against, but with someone.”

The Russian-Serbian Humanitarian Center was set up on the basis of a cooperation agreement between the Russian and Serbian governments on April 25, 2012. It is tasked with tackling emergency situations, including firefighting, providing humanitarian assistance to people affected by disasters, implementing joint projects and programs, training programs on emergency situation prevention, testing and demonstrating rescue technologies, according to the organization’s website.

Spy agency? Nice on EU. Very NICE! No wonder they still live in the 20th Century when Russia is under the yoke of the Godless USSR. I don't want to mention American fake news stories but the EU is also engaged in it. So, I have message to the Serbs:

Risk everything but for a stable future with Russia or accept Neoliberal economic policies that will cripple more the Serbian economy, culture and the invasion of the EU's version of Communism.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Serbophobia continues: ICTY judge wants Mladić life sentence

One specific ICTY judge named Alan Tieger wants the persecuted General Ratko Mladić to get a life sentence on the closing remarks during closing arguments session on Tuesday. It seems to me that the ICTY is nothing more than a Kangaroo court. KANGAROO COURT!! I am sick of the Serbophobia that is happening and targeting the Serbian people not because they committed an actual genocide but they are always the fall guys of the corrupt Western Dictators of the EU/NATO coalition! Just because Serbs are strong Christians, they are persecuted. I get it!!!

Just wait when a true nationalist becomes a president and all those falsely charged of genocide will be freed and they will receive compensations!

Am I wrong? NO! He is being incarcerated for the fact he is a Serb, not because he killed people in Srebrenica. The ICTY never looked to the fact that Alija Izetbegović sacrificed his people just for international bombardment of the Bosnian Serbs.

Continue this and the Serbs will be awaken!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Global Warming Hoax is being exposed

Tokyo's first November snow since the 1960's. Saudi Arabia suddenly got blanketed in snow. Reports of a major cold wave in North America. Folks, it is a hoax, the Global Warming is a total HOAX. Capital H, O, A, X.

From USA Today: This won't be normal December cold, either, as temperatures will be about 10 to 20 degrees colder than typical for this month. Also, once the arctic blast arrives, it will stick around well into next weekend and perhaps longer.

See, even mainstream news outlets can't hide the fact that it is not Global Warming. It won't be a surprise if snow may fall even in San Antonio, Texas if the Cold Wave will be longer than the yearly data average. Why I am saying this? It's Global Cooling, don't deny the fact we are fooled by the Left-Wing scientists that were supported by Liberal Democrat stooge Al Gore and pushed out scientists that discovered Global Warming is a hoax.

I love nature, it is just don't politicize 10 years of warming around the world when the sun's rays are just hot but felt most within the Equator, below the Tropic of Cancer and above the Tropic of Capricorn.

By personal experience, I felt the cold winds of Winter back in the second or third week of October that when I go to church, I may need to wear my necktie and at times, put my hands on my pocket outside. Not convinced?

Merkel, you're next

What fabulous news I am reading these days. It is clear Left-Wing Liberalism will implode because of what they have done to their countrymen. Look at France, UK, US and now Italy. Austria voted against their right wing politician but with Angerla Merkel flooding her country of Germany with millions of terrorists from Sunni Islamic countries, she must go.

Let's go to Italy, where the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi says he takes full responsibility for the crashing defeat at the referendum he proposed, which would have reduced the powers of the Senate. Renzi intends to send in his resignation on Monday.

“The experience of my government ends here,” Renzi said in a televised news conference, adding that his defeat was “extraordinarily clear.”
“I have lost and I say it out loud,” he said.

In France, Marine Le Penn can take advantage that the liberal incumbent president Francois Hollande will not seek re-election as the liberal scums were the reason why unrest is still happening in France.

In UK, Brexit can be triggered again..

Which brings me to the fact that what the revolutionaries of 1848, whether right, center or left that had failed, their struggle to give their people freedom are now being invoked upon by all Europeans to crush the Left-Wing Liberal Globalist trash.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

How a Trump presidency(indirectly) can make Kosovo, Serbian again

Just my opinion, regardless of Donald Trump is mistakenly appointing neo-cons, his presidency may start to return of Kosovo to Srbija. There is a way and what's my answer?

Close Camp Bondsteel

News of Trump's plan to either heavily tax allies of the letting US military bases stay or get out. Which means, YES!!! If Trump finally pulls off the troops and empties Camp Bondsteel, the terrorist-occupied Kosovo province will be vulnerable to some Serb mercenaries of course. Who knows if Serbs can sneak themselves to Kosovo and will either smuggle guns or foods to Serbs who need protection or force the traitors in Beograd to "save" the Serbs in Kosovo by invading it.

There are other ways but this would be the most realistic of any idealistic ways to take back Kosovo during Trump's presidency. And of course, Trump will not intervene even if he has neocons because he will force them to repair America than fund a pointless war.

Before all these things I speculate, all I can do for the Serbian people is to expose the traitors, help them revive their Orthodox Christian faith and their national identity and, pray for their nation and dijaspora as a whole.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

What did Toma said?

Sounds that my suspicions of Srpski Predsednik Tomislav "Toma" Nikolić is a two-faced politician that can't decide on his own.

"We angered both EU and Russia-we're doing it right"

He made the remarks during a visit to Češka Republika on the capital Prague while talking with Miloš Zeman. He also mentioned angering both Rusija i Evropska Unija is the right thing.

"Don't think that this view of ours didn't make Russia and the EU angry. Wherever you turn, someone's angry. Perhaps that is a sign that only Serbia is right."

"The EU recognizes the independence of Kosovo, but dismisses Crimea's right to self-determination. Russia does not recognize Kosovo's independence, but has recognized Crimea's right to self-determination. Serbia supports its own and Ukraine's territorial integrity, which I believe is the only correct position."

Seems Toma tries to make Serbia neutral. I won't agree because of course, Srbija needs Rusija more often before it can be neutral and the eventual retaking of Kosovo!!! He never learned what Srbija needs but thinks from himself for PR stunts. Toma, for all what he mentioned, did and everything is an actual, two-faced man. Confirmed!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Jill Stein joining the Sore Loser Brigade

Liberalism is a mental disorder. and Jill Stein proves it. Of course.

Jill Stein wants a recount of the election that Donald Trump won and Hillary "Miss Benghazi" Clinton lose by the popular vote.

“This is not being done to benefit one candidate at the expense of the other,” Stein told PBS.

Speaking of Jill the Lib, she could have been paid by George Soros, the master financier and destroyer of nations. Back before the elections, she mentioned that Hillary is more dangerous than Trump. So why she suddenly changed her mind? Money. And that she can finally push for the dreaded carbon tax, which of course will go to terrorists, femiNAZIs, gay lobbyists and of course, the anti-Christian NGO's.

As we all know, George Soros want that carbon tax implemented around the world.

So, my assumption would be: Jill Stein the so-called environmentalist joins the loser brigade for the poison pill that is the carbon tax, collaborating with George Soros and Hillary Clinton, in an attempt to stop Trump from restoring America.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

LG to Superman: Your still WEAK!!!!

In a recent conference on questions about his wartime role as an Interior Minister, Aleksandar "Superman" Vučić says he has paid a high political price and accepted the blame for the decisions he made while serving as information minister during the 90s.

"It's very easy stab me with it in the back, as if with a knife," the Serbian prime minister said on Monday, in reply to a question posed by a German journalists during the South East Europe Media Forum conference held in Belgrade.

"This law was better than the one from 2009, but nobody complained that," said Vučić, adding that at the time, he was "not strong enough to stand up against everything someone adopted and put into effect."

Better laws now than before? It's worse than before! How could you!!??!?!!!?!?!? Of course back then you have to fight back because your life and what you fought for counts. But what you did?

Betray the trust of the Serbian people that voted for you. The very same people that put you into power you schmuck! Betray them because of fame and EU money. Your still WEAK!!! You will never evolve because you chose to be one weakling! You never stood up against the EU thugs, you just stood up against the true Serbian nationalists! You threw your country off the cliff regardless of how many times Russia helped your country to get up!

Ok, I am too tired to discuss about this weakling..... I am sick he is always in front of every Serbian newspaper or internet headlines. His Cult of Personality is just too awful.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Prayer keeps stress away

Prayers. One of the most forgotten treasures in the secular world today thanks to Liberal Progressive laws. But do people have to pray? Of course! God is with us of course! He is waiting for our sincere prayers of forgiveness and thanksgiving. And why it keeps stress away? I don't have to elaborate a lot but it gets the best for me.

Remember, this secular world we live in. A lot of stress appear because of our desire for money, fame and material but through all the failures, we all need is to pray. Through sincere prayers, we won't think of the problems of this secular world but God, how the saints lived, how a simple family life we pray and hope for and a lot of good things will come to your mind.

I will share my experience. Last year, weeks after my conversion. I felt stress on my heart again because of emotional problems but since starting to pray again and hearing the beautiful and sacred chants in the Orthodox Church, it soothed my rumbling mind and heart. It killed all those emotional problems mostly. There are at times my heart problems because of stress re-appears but sincere prayers make it disappear.

Everytime I close my nightly prayers(from the book and my heart), I pray that "everyone in the world will come back through your original Christian church". It means that someday, everyone will discover the original church of the apostles. The church that survived all the stress it faced since the times of the apostles after Pentecost. Hopefully, people will start to pray again and through these things, stress will never kill our mind and heart.


Оче наш, који си на небесима,
да се свети име Твоје,
да дође царство Твоје,
да буде воља Твоја
и на земљи као на небу;
хлеб наш насушни дај нам данас;
и опрости нам дугове наше
као што и ми опраштамо дужницима својим;
и не уведи нас у искушење,
но избави нас од злога.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Traditional Marriage Rocks!

Having conversations with people about marriage and my current relationship, I will not change my stance on marriage. A traditional marriage is the best for couples for making a happy family(especially to Christian couples, a church wedding), it lasts a lifetime and importantly, binds two people as one. Changing times may affect how we define love but marriage is only for a man and a woman.

Traditional marriages makes couples work hard, remember all they were taught since their younger days, devote their life to God and keeping promises to a lifetime. Here's one of the best things a traditional marriage can offer: Happiness

Remember, money can't buy happiness and it's up to the couple how to give and take with each other. It's also important that you can discuss likes/dislikes, dreams, hopes and especially, growing old with each other. It doesn't matter if the married couple can't have a baby, the important thing is that, God is at the center of marriage and the couple is willing to go through joys and pains for a brighter future as one.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Vojska Srbije underpaid

Continue with the EU integration mess and risk a coup! This is what the Peder Premijer Aleksandar Vučić is known for, making Serbia lose everything for the sake of his mafia leaders at Brussels. Is Superman risking a coup if this happens? They are not civilians but SOLDIERS. VOJNICI! VOJSKA SRBIJE!!!! They are trained to handle guns, explosive and are the most loyal men to the flag and God.

They will stage a protest on November 27 because of wage conditions. Union leadership claimed that over 80 percent of both service personnel and civilians employed by the ministry receive less than 67,600 Serbian dinars (some $590) per month, which is the country’s living wage.

 Well, the pro-Western elite voiced their concerns. Defence minister Zoran Đorđević condemned the upcoming protest because it's against the Serbian written law and the soldiers "committed to maintaining the standards of living of its employees." The soldiers' protest could turn into a coup once Superman continues to ransack Serbia of it's remaining milk and honey to give it to his EU cohorts.

I am now assuming that, if the soldiers will be arrested just for protesting and not an actual strike, their could be a coup. I ask the Peder Premijer to stop with the EU integration nonsense, focus on investments than a decaying EU membership or shift to Russia or risk a coup against the whole power structure..

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Soros' last chance

George Soros will try his best to destroy Donald Trump. Try your best Gyorgy but we now know your schemes. It's just liberals will tell us it's all conspiracy theories. Why Trump is bad for the Globalists and the Crony Capitalists? Simple:

It's not just taking back jobs to America, make peace with Vladimir Putin and rebuilding America but to ensure the country will march victorious if ever, Hussein Obama will trigger an actual scorch earth policy before Trump becomes the president in power. It doesn't get more suspense than how Gyorgy the Master Manipulator invited all LIBERAL business elites inside Mandarin Hotel in Washington. The meeting?

Who knows but of course, the will to stop Trump by all means or to make sure war with Russia will happen. But could it be.........

I don't want to mention it because it terrifies me and I will leave it up to my readers.

But in all cases, Soros wants a last chance to destroy Trump nonetheless. As a Right Wing Conservative, I am deeply disturbed and angry whenever this LEFTist Liberal trash is destroying countries especially Serbia, where he funded Bill "Rapist" Clinton's expedition to destroy Orthodox Christianity while making sure Monica Lewinsky is off the news.

Soros also caused the Asian Economic crisis back in 1997, he can do it again to any country. He must be stopped at all costs.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Ultimate Disgrace!

Letting an occupied province have a calling code, traitors within Beograd and giving in to the Evropska Unija's demands. This makes me sick that they allowed it and all nationalists who dare to speak are threatened with jail sentences.

The country calling code for Kosovo is +383. Kosovo received a new geographical region code as a result of the 2013 Brussels Agreement signed by the Governments of Serbia and Kosovo. This code is the property of the Republic of Serbia which it has given by ITU to Serbia for the needs of the geographical region Kosovo. This will allow to calls numbers in Kosovo out of Serbia invoked with the prefix +383, calls from Serbia to Kosovo will only need area/network code without prefix +383.

The European External Action Service (EEAS) has confirmed Beograd and Priština representatives had “under the EU facilitation reached an arrangement on further implementation of the agreed and signed Telecommunications Agreement from 2013 and the 2015 Action Plan stemming from this Agreement.”

Allowing this means the current Serbian Regressive Party is ready to give up Kosovo to the Albanian colonialists and the satanic EU. The current government are unforgiving of Right Wing Nationalists while letting the very scums of EU-led liberals wreak havoc in the minds of the people.

Such a disgrace.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Open Message to Liberal Fruitcakes

Anti-Trump protestors are blowing up around in America, thanks to money coming from George Soros. It's a shame the Mainstream media continues their Trump-hunt as well by shutting down a Muslim woman who voted for Trump because she is experiencing the "benefits" of Obamacare.

Well, I have a message for the Liberal Fruitcakes:

Thank Trump that you will not have to go on a pointless war as military recruits. Thank Trump you won't have to sacrifice your fragile Safe Space. Thank Trump you don't have to go overseas and find work outside of America unlike me who lives in a foreign country just to work and earn for my needs. Thank Trump he is not the bigot, racist, homophobe that the MSM portrayed him.But still you hate him? Hate him because he ran against the Democrats? Because he is not politically correct? Because of the Wall or banning Muslims entering America?

Then, go to Africa where people settle arguments with machetes or in Mexico where they kill for drugs. Canada will not allow you liberals if you don't have a degree or money to support yourself. Stop dreaming like it's the Liberal Utopia! Stop these utter madness, you have a lot of future to invest. Keep your "liberalism" intact but not rioting or bullying pro-Trump voters. Get a job if not a degree, you have a lot of privileges than most people of the world.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump wins against all odds

The American people voted for the best answer: Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America. I can't say anymore words than thank you to the Americans that voted for Trump, for the realization of the American dream. I am in tears because finally, the American people had awakened and realized they must take action for putting a person that will not just save America but will stabilize the world by talking to world leaders by the table and not the sword.

"Bind wounds of division"

That's what Trump on his victory speech.

Finally, Vladimir Putin won't need to tell the Russian people to prepare for war, Serbia will follow suit by kicking the izdajnici and get back Kosovo(if Vojislav Šešelj will run and win for the presidency), the Philippines can restore diplomatic ties, UK can force the Brexit it voted for, France and Germany kick out all LEFTist traitors and China can now breathe well without worrying for a war.

Globalists will cringe now, Liberals will cry like they are dying when in fact they are being saved, Oligarchs will now collapse around the world and America will become a model to all nations that will fight the globalist Leftist trash.

ISIS will never get the money it needs and no more pointless wars.

Trump! Trump! Trump!

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Clinton Crime Family's Balkan mess

Yes, Hillary Clinton escapes indictment. AGAIN. Sad thing FBI director James Comey caves in again.. I feel sick that they are not making sure this witch will not go to jail. But across the Atlantic, Bill Clinton's Albanians are rampaging in the Balkans that they must be stopped by their own kind.

Wannabe Kebab police said on November 5 that they had arrested seven people in various parts of Kosovo for alleged involvement in “terrorism and acts against the constitutional order and security of Kosovo. Meanwhile, in neighboring Albania, police say they have arrested four people for reportedly recruiting members for the Islamic State group and for funding rebel groups in Syria.

What a mess the sex addict did to the Balkans. Demonizing a dictator(Slobo) and with George Soros' money and the careful propaganda by Madeleine Albright, the Balkans will forever be messed:

  1. High crime rate
  2. Destruction of churches and monasteries
  3. Making the Balkans a transit for drugs and Wahhabists
  4. And a NATO base against Russia 
  5. Organ theft
 Now everyone knows why I am campaigning for Trump, supporting Putin, Vojislav Šešelj, Nigel Farage, Marine Le Pen, some moderate Golden Dawn members and the worldwide right wing conservative nationalist movements around the world. With that said, a Trump victory can indirectly, INDIRECTLY(at least) make sure Wannabe Kebabists will go away from Kosovo and the eventual return to Serbia.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Build a wall in SERBIA against disease carrying migrants

If both Presdesnik Tomislav Nikolić and Peder Premijer Aleksandar Vučić is listening to me now, hear my plead. I recently say from the news that migrants(Islamic Wahhabists) are carriers of lice that can transmit to typhus and trench fever.

The Institute for Public Health “Batut” said that in the transit-reception centers and centers for asylum all preventive and anti-epidemic measures have been taken in order to prevent the spreading of body lice and prevention of occurrence of new cases.

It's not enough they have a facility to counter the threat of diseases but to build a wall like how Donald Trump will do to prevent refugees carrying diseases to get to America. Serbia is not a breeding field for diseases but Peder Superman never cares!! NEVER!!!! Superman only cares about what the LEFTist Liberals tell him to do for money and fame!

Only a wall, physical and symbolical wall can deter the flooding of disease-stricken migrants. It's not racist to say this, it's the right thing to make sure every country, including Serbia can fight the plague that Globalist LEFTists want to install on their already beaten up country!!

Monday, October 31, 2016

Huma Abedin the next Clinton Body count?

A while ago at work, I saw some very interesting topics of interest. In Milo Yiannopoulos' facebook page, he posted the hashtag "#savehuma" or implying the Clinton agency will try to take Huma Abedin out to insure Hillary Clinton won't be losing another case against her.

As FBI director James Comey being pressured by the Congress to reopen the investigation on the deleted emails, they turn attention to the disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner's laptop and used by his separated wife Huma Abedin. In my own words, will the Clinton crime family take out either Weiner or Abedin so that they could not testify?

With the Clinton Body Count rises, it's no surprise if they take out Huma because she is very close to Ms. Benghazi so much that all your knowledge with the Clintons will make you a part of their body count.

A few months before, Infowars reporter Joe Biggs received an intel from members of the secret service and mentioned that Hillary's health is on the cliff. Last September, Conservative radio show host Michael Savage was cut off from his biggest New York affiliate W-ABC for discussing Hillary's health problems and the effects of intaking Levandopa, a powerful but dangerous drug being given to patients suffering Parkinson's disease. Could Huma know more and she is a target of the hitlist and her own ally?

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Political Correctness is becoming more of a poison!!

George Soros is not just busy demonizing both Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. He is also busy flooding Europe with terrorists posing as migrants. He is also funding Black Lives Matter, Social Justice Warriors, all Regressive Liberal groups around the world and of course, a well-known Bilderburger.

A few days ago, a 10 year old Austrian boy was raped by a 20 year old Iraqi "refugee" and calls his crime as a "sexual emergency"...... Sexual Emergency. And guess what?

The court overturned the verdict and favored the rapist! Political Correctness at it's finest. Another case?!?!?!

A group of primarily Syrian boys, with the youngest just seven years old, has sexually harassed three underage girls in a Berlin swimming pool, German media report. Police briefly detained the perpetrators after being contacted by employees at the pool.

Police said that one of the alleged perpetrators was aged 14, while the others ranged between seven and 11 years old. Six of the boys have been identified as Syrian, although the nationality of the other member of the group could not be established, officials said.
“Five of the boys grabbed the girls by their breasts and bottoms,” the father of the three girls is quoted as saying by the Berlin Morgen Post.

The man took his daughters and their female friend to the swimming pool at around 9am local time on Monday to celebrate a birthday.

While the minors were playing in the water, they were reportedly surrounded by the group of seven boys. One of the girls then managed to alert a pool employee, who immediately called the police.
"The suspects are said to have followed the girls and touched them,” law enforcers said in comments on the case.

 If your concerned about it, go out, rally against the Leftist government in power and protect the rights of ordinary citizens.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

A vote for Killary is a vote against Christianity

One of my last appeals to Hillary voters. Stop voting for this witch named Hillary Clinton. She will ruin everything from top to bottom. It's not a freakin' joke I am making up. It's the reality. And her election will be a great nightmare to all Christians in America regardless of the sect they are adhering.

Should I elaborate?

Her reign will usher an era of persecution of Christians, not seen since the times of Diocletian or the persecutions after the Kebab Empire took power of Konstantinopolis since 1453. A reign that scares me because the majority of Americans are Christians(mostly Protestants, Catholics, Orthodox and others) and growing number of young Americans are too poisoned by Regressive Liberalism and the Mainstream Media.

Persecuting today's Christians will mean the destruction of a society that lives with Christian ideals. All societies depend on Christian ideals/basis. Once you remove every Christian from all aspects in life, it will destroy the balance of a good state! I am not saying this because I am a Christian(Orthodox Christian) but because we need to wake up and make sure Americans by next month will never vote for an anti-Christian LIBERAL trash!!!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Galatasaray fans will PAY!!!!!

Galatasaray fans are the worst scums in Kebabistan! They are such worse that there are no words to describe how they not just went to Marko Ivković's grave but before their team was blown by KK Crvena Zvezda last Thursday, showed the world how they are proud of killing Marko by putting up banners of the occupied Kosovo  and the disrespectful of all, "Rest in Hell."

Why won't KK Crvena Zvezda tell the Euroleague of Galatasaray fans' attitude? They have the right to tell this but because nothing will happen. Uh...

I tell those stinkin' Kebabs that they will pay for not just killing Marko but it will come back to them. When that happens, let's sing the "Remove Kebab" song!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Superman visits NATO; continues Self-suicide

Aleksandar Vučić continues the suicide of Serbia to NATO, one of the most stupid decisions this trash liberal does. Is there any way he can be toppled? He is so insane that, no matter how many people criticize his stupidity, he continues to do it, for EU money.. Well...

The schedule will be around late November, in Brussels with NATO grand schmuck and Jelena Milić's boyfriend Jens Stoltenberg.

"We fully respect Serbia’s policy of neutrality and attach great importance to the right of every sovereign country to make decisions on its own", NATO said in a statement submitted to Tanjug.

What this izdajnik is doing is self-suicidal. SELF-SUICIDAL!!! Meeting with the terror group that bombed his country is making Serbia a bastion of doom, doom because cooperating with the imperialists from Brussels. Superman is still delusional...

Thursday, October 13, 2016

This is why I support Donald Trump!

To be frank, this one is just some of the reasons why I will support Donald Trump to the end.

Donald Trump's comments about Serbia...

"It was a great mistake to bomb the Serbs"

Bill "the rapist" Clinton made the biggest mess in the Balkans. Speaking to Serbian "Nedeljnik", Republican presidential candidate promised to "strengthen the relationship with the Serbian government" when he takes office.

"First of all let me tell you it was a great mistake to bomb the Serbians who were our allies in both world wars. Serbians are very good people. Unfortunately Clinton’s administration was very damaging to the Serbians, they made a mess in the Balkans. I have apologized before to the Serbians for the actions and our policy primarily Clinton’s. I will strengthen the relationship with the Serbian government. When I take office the foreign policy will change the course for the better", said Trump.

Trump also said that he will make sure that "US has better relationship with Russia".

"It can’t be worse than today"

Now, that's Donald Trump, a man of integrity and sincerity. His recent interview means that he is indeed sorry for the people of Serbia and will go against Hillary and Bill Clinton. Remember, Bill Clinton escaped more scrutiny from the Lewinsky Scandal by telling everyone there's a "genocide" happening against the Wannabe Kebabist Albanians by Serbian forces. Yet, the true genocide happened after the bombing. AFTER the bombing by NATO, which Donald Trump will either destroy or kick out all warmongers.

I am hoping that if Trump wins, it's not just working with Vladimir Putin to fix the world but also, the eventual return of Kosovo to it's rightful owner, the people of Serbia.This is the reason why Vojislav Šešelj and the whole of the Srpska Radikalna Stranka(Serbian Radical Party) endorses Donald Trump.

As a pro-Serbian activist, it's such an honor to serve the Serbian people and expose the truth on what happened to Serbia.

Vučić's Homeland Stupidity

So, the stupid Premijer Aleksandar Vučić will meet again(AGAIN) with Wannabe Kebab Edi Rama. Stop meeting with the enemies and focus on regaining Kosovo at all costs, then again. He is a traitor, the one that will never help Serbia get what it really deserves.....

When discussing Superman over and over again, it just pulls my leg. Edi Rama won't listen to him, so does his EU "partners" whom he lobbies for a speedy Serbian recognition of the EU. Maybe, this stupid prime minister is building a government post named "Serbian Homeland Stupidity" where all traitors, Liberals atheists, spies for EU and dumbsters unite and control all aspects of Serbian life.

A smart reader will know what I mean. HS, like the American Homeland Security but became Homeland Stupidity for not searching for Islamic terrorists during the reign of King Hussein Obama....Superman may want to hypnotize the Serbian people to be Regressive Liberals and forget Kosovo and their Orthodox Christian faith. It's not a conspiracy theory I am making. Superman is clearly destroying Serbia and will sell it to the scums in Brussels!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Commitment is a MUST

People these days are scared of commitments as of late, thanks to LIBERALISM. But let me remind my readers that if your scared of it, don't go for your dreams and hopes. Commitments are meant for people who are responsible enough for to be an adult. It's a must for any man/woman who wants to be an adult. If we keep on depending on our parents or friends for decision making, we are not yet ready for the commitments we are entitled to go through.

Why entitled to go through? That's what humans must go through, so that they learn ups and downs, joys and pains, what is real and fantasy, and whom we must love or not. There's no safe space in this world, we will face and FIGHT criticisms, not go to a room and cry all night!

Choosing a woman in my life may not be well liked, even by my friends but it's what God gave me. It's a blessing that it's my commitment to love and protect her. I am an adult and I know my commitment to her is also my hopes for the future and a responsibility to protect.

If someone is scared to go through this, I have an advice:

Be who you are regardless of what happens and if you fail, keep on rising up while not letting go of your commitments in life, whether it's loving someone or finding a stable job or anything.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Donald TRUMPs everyone

Donald Trump stood his ground, even to his running mate Mike Pence's stance on the Syrian Civil War. Continuing with his stance that America must have a detente, not a conflict with Russia is now shaking things and even the fragile mind of Hillary Clinton. It looks to me Trump could be alarmed now about Pence's stance but that will have to wait.

Looks like Trump knows Hillary's mind and after a stupid answer by Hillary, here's what Trump retaliated for:

“She talks rebels, but she doesn’t know who the rebels are.” Trump replied. “Almost everything she’s done in foreign policy, it’s been a mistake and it’s been a disaster.”
Trump took issue with Clinton's claim that Russia was not fighting Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).
“Assad is killing ISIS. Russia is killing ISIS. Iran is killing ISIS. And those three have now lined up together because of our weak policy,” he said.

“I think it would be great if we got along with Russia. We could fight ISIS together,” Trump had said earlier in the evening.
What would happen if Aleppo falls, asked ABC's Martha Raddatz.
“Aleppo… I think that it basically has fallen,” Trump replied.

The Republican nominee also repeated his criticism of the US military announcing an attack on IS in Mosul, thus sacrificing the element of surprise, ending with declaring that “Generals George Patton and Douglas McArthur are spinning in their graves at our stupidity in the Middle East.”

Would this statement change the mind, even of the most LEFTist of all Liberals? Trump is for real. He is not a joke. He is not a warmonger. It's clear, he wants a detente with Russia, not WAR unlike the Witch's favorite pastime: supporting the bombing of nations and support for Sunni Islamic terrorism. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Colonialists in Kosovo showing their "Civilized" culture

Once again, the Albanian Colonialists in Kosovo showed how they are civilized enough while the world turns a blind eye. AGAIN.

Recently renovated and cleaned cemetery chapel in Priština was turned into a public restroom and garbage dump, and several orthodox graves are overgrown with weeds, said the Dioceses of Raška and Prizren.

Now, that's awesome civilization by uneducated Analbanians. Truly uncivilized trash bags!! These people are just some of those that Bill "Rapist" Clinton and the Prime Leftist George Soros helped to invade Serbia and Kosovo. It's becoming more sick and sick! Having no respect for the church while the world doesn't care!!!

“During the course of the visit of the Orthodox cemetery in Priština, priest Saša Mitrović encountered a sad and sickening picture. Recently renovated and cleaned cemetery chapel was turned into a public restroom and garbage dump, and several graves are overgrown with weeds,” says the Diocese’s statement.

“Given that Mitrovdan memorial day is near and that numerous believers from Priština, of which most are not able to live freely in their home town and return to it, will visit their graves. The Diocese will have to organize cleaning of both the cemetery chapel and the cemetery,” says the statement.

As I finalize things here, I will leave a question:

What if the opposite was done: Burn the Mosques, turn it into pig farms or burials for Albanian Terrorists killed and buried with pig strips or killed in battle by female soldiers, what would be that feeling?

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Thankful to God

I may have celebrated my birthday too early(4 days before the actual one) and few people went(5 people), it will be the most special birthday because it's the first time I will celebrate a birthday with a girlfriend and special woman in my life.

My dishes served to them were Lamb stew and fried fish. My princess prepared two Japanese style salads and one cheese cake that resembles the flag of Serbia, which I am thankful, happy, loved and blessed. Thankful and blessed because I know, God made a way to meet this beautiful woman. Happy and loved because the love I am giving and feeling with her is genuine love.

It's the most heartwarming birthday party I ever had and I am thankful to God for the food, the people that came and how he gave me one beautiful and loving princess.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Next referendum: SLOBODA

With the referendum successful, I am expecting more from Milorad Dodik: Independence, merge with Serbia and if ever, protect itself from Ustaše, Wannabe Kebabs and the LEFTist EU and NATO scums. But why do the Western trash cry foul over the peaceful referendum? The Dayton accords(the piece of trash) was "violated" and it could mean, undermining the occupiers in Sarajevo and can potentially remove all trash not just from RS or Serbia but also from the rest of the Balkans!

US and the Western LIBERAL's are crying foul on a peaceful referendum. I won't be surprised if the Globalists will issue an arrest warrant on Dodik, it's not fair but RS must prepare to secede or protect itself before the referendum that will destroy the Dayton accords once and for all.

Sloboda or freedom! Not to be jailed on it's backyard. That's what the Serbs deserves to practice their faith, get back to their pre-war homes and to tell the world, enough is enough!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Older Women owns Younger women

Taking time off from politics, it's such a blessing for having a sweet, loving and God-fearing girlfriend. I don't care if the age gap is way beyond my age but the important is mutual understanding and it's God's will.

Why Older Women rocks? I may elaborate some points, be prepared to fill your diaries.

  1. They cook better
  2. They love better
  3. They tend to be honest
  4. They are better when it's "time"
  5. They have a better understanding of life
  6. They never mess everything
My advice for people facing criticisms like what I have:

Continue to love not because of the girl's social standing or her beautiful body but because she is an ideal wife and that, she will never leave your side through the joys and pains of a beautiful relationship like this.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

The IZDAJNICI had forgotten everything!

Stooges will never learn. Aleksandar "Super Izdajnik" Vučić recently thanked Victoria Nuland for the investments Serbia was promised for political and economic reforms. Wait, Victoria NULAND>!>!>!>!!>!?!?!?? What the F#$%@@#!!!!!!!

This Victoria Nuland the Biggest Traitor met recently was responsible for the coup in Ukraine when a conversation of her through a phone organizing a military coup was wiretapped. Her husband by the way is a Lobbyist for Monsanto. YES, MONSANTO.

These are just some of the things Super Izdajnik is very delusional about and is not willing to turn away for the sake of political correctness in Srbija. Political Correctness in Srbija is hurting the Srbi/Serbian people. Bring in traitors and accept preconditions of shameless globalist trash like Nuland, who wants to seize the rich rice fields in Ukraine and turn it into it's own resources for Monsanto.

Super Izdajnik is just pulling my leg after he ignored the news of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Priština being in danger thanks to Analbanians, the Homosexual and FemiNAZI LEFTist Trashbags desecrating the Temple of Saint Sava to show their version of "freedom" and now, meeting up with an obvious LEFTist Monsanto lobbyist.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

The continuing persecutions

So, I was off days from my blog but seems the Albanians still want to destroy all Orthodox churches in Kosovo. It's not anymore surprising why these colonialists want to get Kosovo more and more. It's an open secret these Albanian wannabe Kebabs want a Greater Albania/Velika Albanija through violent means than a referendum by the Serbs who are true inhabitants of Kosovo since ancient times.

A news I read was:

Students from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Priština University sent a letter to local media on Friday calling for the demolition or repurposing of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, BIRN reports.

“As this building was built in the time of Milošević’s regime, right in the courtyard of the university campus, we express our deep indignation about why nothing has yet been done by the Republic of Kosovo to destroy that building, or turning it into a type of building that will serve the students of the University of Pristina ‘Hasan Priština’ for their studies, such as a library,” said the letter.

And the stupidity level of Albo-colonialists funded by the sex-addict Bill Clinton, George Soros and other Globalist LEFTIST trash had these to say as well:

“We believe that this construction only started to raise inter-ethnic tensions, therefore we have not taken any action yet, but if it continues in the coming days, we will react as Kosovo’s Albanians students always have done, with various [protest] actions and student protests,” the letter warned.

It's somewhat disappointing to see all these news. In fact, there's another news that raised my eyebrows.....And it deals with Russian journalists that were detained by the narcothourities of occupied Kosovo.

A group of Russian journalists from theNews Front agency has been detained in Kosovo, the news agency’s director Konstantin Knyrik told Interfax
“The head of the News Front Serbian editorial office, citizen of Russia Oxana Sazonova, as well as freelance cameraman Sergey Belous were detained by Kosovo’s police while filming footage about Orthodox churches located in its territory, as well as about how the Albanians and the Serbs live side by side in the region. The journalists planned to film a documentary about Kosovo,” Knyrik said.

Final words in another disappointing and frustrating news...If I were the Srpski Predsednik, I will outright invade Kosovo, remove all colonialists and fight the LEFTIST Globalist trash until they return to their homes and never cause the destruction of churches and monasteries, owned by the Serbian people, who are the true residents of Kosovo and not these wannabe Kebabs called Analbanians!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Russia warns Trump he is targetted by the Globalists

As I know months before, Donald Trump's life is in great danger. He is always wearing bullet proof vests and occasionally receives threats from Globalists or Leftists, of course. It doesn't stop by there. A Vladimir Putin-appointed Russian TV host furthered the case that Trump's life is indeed, in danger.

Dimitry Kisiliov warned recently that due to Trump's plan for a friendly ties with Russia when elected, he could be killed by the Globalist scums.

“This combination, Trump’s leading in the race, his ability to state things as they are, and his intention to end the recent extreme Russian-American tensions – all this puts him in a very risky situation.”

“Now they may just kill him,” the host alarmingly adds.

“The U.S. special (security) services do not need such a president. Those services promote hatred toward Russia in order to justify their existence.” 

“The American oligarchs also do not need such a president. For these oligarchs, the existing world order ensures solid and stable business. For them, a Trump who is ready to settle issues with Russia means that the finances will flow in a different direction.”

“The American establishment is merciless.”

Kisiliov (alternative spelling Kiselyov) is a controversial but prominent journalist in Russia. He was personally appointed by Russian President Vladimir Putin to head the new official Russian government-owned international news agency Rossiya Segodnya in December 2013.

 So, it's the Russians that are saying these things and it's not anymore a CONSPIRACY THEORY. It's what the American establishments and the Globalist elite will try to eliminate Trump, in order to spark unrest in America or to make sure the Democrats will stay in power to ensure a reign of terror in and out of America.

Now, Trump must be careful and it came from Putin's mouthpiece..

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The End of Ms. Benghazi's Reign of Terror

3 days ago, Hillary Clinton aka Miss Benghazi(I am calling her that), fainted during a 9/11 commemoration event. It's a sign that time's up for the devils of the Demogog Party. It's the end of Hillary Clinton's career as a politician and a warmongering brat. It may not end her life but the start of her political demise. It's a sign as well that Donald Trump is what we need for the United States of America.

Donald Trump is taking over the polls while Hillary's health goes down faster than Bill's pants around an intern.

All the evil she did not just to America but to the world serving for King Obama or her sex-addicted husband Bill like:

  1. Bombing of Serbia
  2. Waco siege
  3. "We came, we saw, he died"
  4. Benghazi attacks and the death of 4 US citizens including Ambassador Christopher Stevens
  5. Gay Propaganda
  6. Demonization of Russia as a whole
  7. Censorship of the media
  8.  Advancement of George Soros' plans
  9. Murders of her own DNC staff members
If I missed something, tell me. Anyways, may all her sins go now unto her. She deserves it!

Former Yugoslav President confirms Croatian independence fantasies

Borisav Jović recently made a statement that seems true. Here is his quote:

"Serbia didn't want Yugoslav breakup, West bided it's time."

Well, it's the truth. Serbia built Yugoslavia. It's a fact. The Serbs guided the South Slavs to victory back in WWI and staved of the Nazis before the Communist bastards took over.

Will these pages convince us that at the end of 100 years of living a delusion, we stand cheated, humiliated, and punished? Jović, a well-known figure in the 1990s, claims that the three sides approached the 1918 "unification" - i.e., the creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes - with completely "opposite motives."

"It's a historic fact that Serbs were striving to preserve Yugoslavia, while Croatia and Slovenia during its entire existence looked to leave it, or find some solution of greater autonomy," Jović said.

Croatia has been persecuting the Serbian minority since the 90's, and is currently reviving the Leftist Ustaše mindset to provoke the Serbs more and more. It's a shame the West sided with the criminals in Zagreb while the Croats were never grateful for the Serbs to free them from the Austro-Hungarians!

To Serbs: don't waste your time joining the EU while Croatia is promoting another war and genocide.

Monday, September 12, 2016

What Trump must do to the Republican Party

Donald Trump on the rise. Wait, with Hillary Clinton's health in question, Barack Hussein Obama trying his best to demonize the Trump train and neo-conservatives looming, here is how Trump can consolidate and solidify his campaign for the US elections. It's one simple answer.

Cleanse the party of neo-conservatives/fake conservatives and Demogog Party agents.

You know what I mean.

Remove them or force them out. It's the only way to make sure Trump's campaign will be heard. Neocons want to destroy Trump by the means of mainstream media. Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, John Kašić and other fake conservatives and traitors to the Republican Party are still on the run. They are afraid of the Trump train, thus not endorsing him but Hillary Clinton.

Trump must force them out or his campaign and the Republican Party as a whole will collapse. The neocons will try to save Hillary's campaign by demonizing Trump with the usual stupid sentences.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Targetting Jelena Milić

This slut along with the genocidal maniac, they have a special place in hell.

Jelena Milić, the slut or whore that she is posing with the promoter of killing innocent Serbs back in 1999, Madeleine Albright. She is proud to promote the agent of Satan from a previous NATO summit Srbija itself. NATO, for those who will read this article for the first time, bombed the Serbs back in 1999 to get Monica Lewinsky off the headlines and save the political career of sex addict Bill Clinton.

Recently, Vojislav Šešelj accused Sonja Biserko( Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia), Nataša Kandić(Humanitarian Law Centre) and the slut herself being the director of Belgrade Centre for Euro-Atlantic Studies, as foreign spies, which is true.

“Nataša Kandić collects files and confidential data which she delivers to the Croats, on the basis of which they are creating their war crime charges,” Šešelj told Informer.

“Milić and Biserko are in charge of subversive activities such as the presenting and spreading of false news and unsettling the public. They are getting serious money from the West, from NATO,” he said.

The NATO whore, who I will alleging that has a secret relationship with NATO Godfather Jens Stoltenberg could not just receive billions of dollars but have some date with him at Brussels. It's because why she is obsessed with being paid by NATO and that crooked Stoltenberg. It's not surprising she was recently branded a spy and I think of her as the Cleopatra of Srbija. She deserves that title.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Duterte vs Obama/ISIS

Talk about Thug Life. He is Thug Life. The punisher of drug addicts and those who want to disrupt the development of people. Mr Thug Life also sent some words to both Barack HUSSEIN Obama and Daesh/ISIS.

“They will pay. When the time comes, I will eat you in front of people,” Duterte said on Monday night, addressing an audience including children while on a visit to Laos for a regional summit, AFP reported.
The statement comes in response to a bombing that took place last week at a crowded market in Duterte’s hometown, Davao City, which killed 14 people and injured 68 others. The government blamed Islamic State-linked militant group Abu Sayyaf for the blast.

And about Bary from Honolulu's hypocrisy, he said the phrase "you son of a b****" or in the Filipino language: "p***** ina mo" in related to Obama's meddling into the human rights track record of the current Filipino president. Well, Hussein Obama forgot he is a known violator of human rights and a supporter of Sunni Islamic terrorism himself,  supporting the Saudi head chopping Bloody Saud family and loves to be paid by George Soros, the evil LEFTist of our time.

Some of my Serbian friends told me my president was awesome and a brave man standing up against the Globalist sissies. Well, I am thankful he is the current Filipino president.