Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 a crazy year, 2017 is near

2017 is near but I will take a long fast backwards. 2016 would go down in history as the year when right wing conservatives/nationalists are taking back their countries from the globalist trash. Another one, the big LIBERAL meltdown due to these satanic destruction of the LEFT.

Just some few notes:

  • ISIS crumbles
  • Brexit, Duterte victory, Trump victory, Le Penn family becoming a force
  • LEFTist LIBERAL machine cringe, TRIGGERED and melting
  • Russia gains respect, Obama's last scorch earth tactics against Trump
  • Anthony "Carlos Danger" Weiner's third sexting scandal doomed Hillary Clinton's bid for presidency
  • "Blame the Russians" game
  • Continuing Russophobia
  • Aleksandar Vučić destroying Serbia from within
  • Hungary and Slovakia blocking terrorists
  • Germany, France and most of Western Europe under terrorist attacks by their own leaders
  • Right Wing conservative/Libertarian centrist/alternative medias under attack by the Globalist LEFTist Liberal decaying media
  • The world still forgets Africa
  • Kebabistan playing victim
  • Syrians slowly returning to their homes
  • Michael Savage, conservative radio show host cut off the air back in September 26 for mentioning Hillary's health problems and how Levodopa side effects makes her on those bizarre head bumping episodes or fainting.
  • Pan-Orthodox council and it's implications
  • Pope Francis espousing the dangerous Liberation theology or depopulation of the world.
Well, a lot of things will happen starting tomorrow. Let's hope good things will happen.

Srećan Nova Godina svima.
Happy New Year

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Kebabogan wants recognition; ignores his own sins

I am enjoying the vacation. But, I missed writing on my blog. What is funny these days about Kebabistan's Grand dictator Recep Tayyip Kebbogan tells everyone it's just the US army that helps funds ISIS, so does some ISIS-leaning Kurdish militants. Let's clap our hands that he is showing us the Middle Eastern version of Comedy Central. He forgot to mention how the Kebab Army helped ISIS escape the Syrian frontline, recover from wounds and be armed with US-bought arms.

“They were accusing us of supporting Daesh (Islamic State),”

“Now they give support to terrorist groups including Daesh, YPG, PYD. It’s very clear. We have confirmed evidence, with pictures, photos and videos.”

“The international coalition must carry out its duties regarding aerial support to the battle we are fighting in al-Bab,” Kebabogan’s spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, said at a news conference.

“Not giving the necessary support is unacceptable.”

 Now, who's talking the hypocrisy? How about letting ISIS experiment sarin gas on animals on Turkish soil back in 2011? Shooting down the Russian jet attacking ISIS-affiliated "moderates" back in November 2015? This December, Andrei Karlov's assassination in the hands of a Kebab police officer that was off-duty? Letting ISIS get away with Syrian oil? Those are just the things Kebabogan is guilty.

As I said many times, Kebabs are not trustworthy enough of the world's trust. It is not a joke.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Idiot LEVEL: 1001%

My tone on this is just: IDIOTI i izdajnik!!!!!! When a big brother gives fighter jets to his little brother unconditionally, the little brother must take it as soon as possible. But, what the big Izdajnik in Beograd, yes.. The Peder Premijer Aleksandar Vučić just told Rusija that he will buy, not take it for free. Stupidity? 1001%!!! Laugh or angry, you bet it. How stupid Superman is.

Under the deal, due to be signed in March-April 2017, Belgrade is expected to get used MiG-29 jets free-of-charge, paying only for their repair. This information was confirmed by Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić after his recent meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov.

However, Vučić insists that Serbia should buy the aircraft, although at a price below the market. Apparently, this has great importance for the Serbian premier, the paper says.

I am too annoyed. Very annoyed!! This could have been a better deal for Srbija but it's Peder premijer just keeps on becoming the crying little baby that he was ever since.!!!!!!1

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Dr. Savage very angry about the disgraceful news

Listening to Dr. Michael Alan Weiner aka Michael Savage is a food for the mind. Indeed. He was supposed to be in vacation, resting and writing his would-be last book before he won't right anything. After hearing the news of the Islamo-fascist driver steal the truck from a Polish truck driver, ramming it into a crowd in Berlin, Germany killing 9 and the assassination of Andrei Karlov at the hands of a Kebab police officer who was not on duty in Ankara, Kebabistan made him come back to radio asap.

As of how I am writing this article, his mood is very angry, he shouts. It means how the liberal media continues the media bias for appeasing Islam. Let's face it: Islam is the Cult of Death, especially it's Sunni branch.

Recently, Angela Merkel ordered the release of the Muslim who rammed the truck into the German crowd for "lack of evidence", well, it's a tactic used by the East Germans. As Savage mentions everytime, Merkel is doing the reverse of how Adolf Hitler, the LEFTist socialist trash in history. Hitler invaded other countries. Merkel allows her country to be invaded by the most radical of all Sunni Muslims.

About the Russian ambassador killed, he got a translated version of what the Kebabist murderer said:

“We have made an oath to Muhammad to die in martyrdom...a revenge for Syria and Aleppo.”"Don't forget Aleppo. Don't forget Syria." “We die in Aleppo, you die here.”
The man then yelled: "Stand back. Stand back. Only death will take me out of here.
"Anyone who has a role in this oppression will die one by one."
He also shouted "Allahu akbar," the Arabic phrase for "God is great" and continued in Arabic: "We are the descendants of those who supported the Prophet Muhammad, for jihad. We are the ones who pledged loyalty to Muhammad to fight jihad as long as we live!”

Now, only time can tell if how the Liberal media will cover this up.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Stab in the Back 2.0

Look at the title I made. That's how I feel since this Tuesday morning, awakening to the news that Russian Ambassador to Kebabistan, Andrei Karlov was killed by Kebabist riot police officer Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş by a pistol, shouted Allahu Akbhar and shouted Aleppo.

"Clearly a provocative act" aimed at undermining both Russian-Turkish relations and the settling of the Syrian crisis." -Vladimir Putin

"Violation of all rules of civilized order" and saying it was carried out by a "radical Islamic terrorist. "Today we offer our condolences to the family and loved ones of Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov, who was assassinated by a radical Islamic terrorist." -Donald Trump

Guess what's my take on the assassination? Another provocation to lure Russia into a pointless war with NATO, maybe to delay or make sure Donald Trump will never seat at the White House or if it's on Russian interests, try to destroy Russia along with flooding Europe by millions of refugees. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's Recep Tayip Kebabogan's standard plan to make sure Russia will be busy with wars.

Kebabogan never learned. He was given a second chance by Putin despite the fact he ordered the Russian jet to be fired at, as well as the rescue helicopter that tried to find any victims or survivors. This is the same Kebabogan that funded ISIS, Al-Nusra and continues the persecution of Christians since the times of the Kebab Empire and the subsequent Young Kebabs led by Mustafa Kemal Atatakebab.

Kebabs are truly traitors, they made another stab in the back.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Mainstream Media, a tragic comedy

So, when the mainstream media tried their best to demonize both Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, they still failed. Behold, the laughing stock that is the mainstream media. Ever since the Trump victory, people from Barack Hussein Obama to the schmucks in the liberal media are creating their own fantasies that Russian hackers made sure the computers will display Donald Trump's name as their vote.

Well, nice try mainstream media.

 And then, the sick liberal media tried to portray the Russian people as the reason of their failures of containing the Right Wing Conservative movement in America. Everything on mainstream news, newspapers and everything, blame the Russians. They may have succeeded in portraying the Serbs as the bad guys back in the 90's through Joe Biden, Madeleine Albright, Bernie Sanders, Javier Solana, Bill Clinton, Christiane Amanpour and all liberal filth in the political and journalist scene but not today, thanks to the internet.

Well, MSM still want to blame the Russians for the "genocide" in Aleppo, Syria but the truth is that terrorists affiliated to ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the LEFTist movement are pleading they be saved through mainstream media of course. Talk about playing victim in front of the world that will destroy them.

How many years does the dinosaur media will have? Well, I will create my own prediction. Once Trump and Putin have a historic peace agreement and friendly cooperations.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Izdajnici continues the suicide to EU

This is just too disappointing to write over and over again! Stop self-suicide to the Globalist scums that invaded your country since 1999! It's not worth to join a dying political-economic entity when it is now just another Soviet style un-elected group of business mafiosso's..

For me, the European Union is nothing more than a neoliberal trash bin that awaits all members that come and try to experience growth. Well, the EU is becoming more of a dictatorship. Look at the awesome political correctness that is happening. The Soviet Union style censorship of right wingers, religious people and flooding it's member states of Sunni Muslims from war-torn countries that are funded by George Soros! Haven't the Izdajnici watched Težina Lanaca? Lessons learned? NO. They never learned because they want money and fame. Anyone who is deemed as true right wing nationalists and true Orthodox Christians in Serbia are now being targeted, jailed, or simply put to sleep!

Let all other countries join but retake Kosovo! Accept a future reunification with Milorad Dodik's Republika Srpska! Align with Russia! Re-organize the economy and military! Have a Serbian Orthodox revival!


Croatia is showing it's Leftist NAZI attitude because of the ChocolateGate involving Kolinda Grabar Kitarović. Montenegro is under NATO and EU colonialism. What do I have to say!?!?!??!?!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Fake News strikes!!!!

This is a propaganda signed by Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin. JOKE!

Well, fake news by Mainstream media strikes yet again. See the "news" that is being flashed into our TV screens that the Syrian Armed Forces will commit genocide in Aleppo or Russian hackers caused Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump in the recent 2016 elections.

Not surprising that mainstream media is desperate that they cannot blame White people, Conservative Christians, Open minded libertarians and others. They blame Russia to get sympathy for Clinton. Aleppo? Reminds of the blatant propaganda against Serbs back in the 90's. Not surprising.

Dinosaur media as what Alex Jones called it, is now in extinction because of it's own narrative: repetitive and too much liberal. Simple as pie.

Stop demonizing Trump, Putin, Assad, conservatives, Right wingers, libertarians, Serbs and God-fearing people. It won't work anymore.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

To the Serbs: Russia or EU??

Very alarming rhetoric that Sergey Lavrov exposed during his time in Srbija recently. Guess what? Yes, it's the European Union, extending their obsession with Soviet-era mentality against the Russian people. Like the Fake News by Liberals in America, the Satanic EU is telling everyone that Russia is operating a spy center in Niš, disguised as the Russian-Serbian Humanitarian Center and it must be closed so that Srbija can continue with it's EU ascension but, but! But. 

 “The EU thinks the Russian-Serbian Humanitarian Center in Niš is a nest of spies, a threat to the security in Europe… We know that Brussels calls on Serbia to close the center if Serbia wants to enter the European Union and demands Serbia to behave in the way like the Montenegrin leader, who has just betrayed all his commitments, all his promises, who has betrayed Russia despite the fact that Russia has not done anything bad to him,” Lavrov said.

He added that such a strategy of the European Union to be “friends against someone” was not shared by Moscow, which considered that friendship should be established “not against, but with someone.”

The Russian-Serbian Humanitarian Center was set up on the basis of a cooperation agreement between the Russian and Serbian governments on April 25, 2012. It is tasked with tackling emergency situations, including firefighting, providing humanitarian assistance to people affected by disasters, implementing joint projects and programs, training programs on emergency situation prevention, testing and demonstrating rescue technologies, according to the organization’s website.

Spy agency? Nice on EU. Very NICE! No wonder they still live in the 20th Century when Russia is under the yoke of the Godless USSR. I don't want to mention American fake news stories but the EU is also engaged in it. So, I have message to the Serbs:

Risk everything but for a stable future with Russia or accept Neoliberal economic policies that will cripple more the Serbian economy, culture and the invasion of the EU's version of Communism.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Serbophobia continues: ICTY judge wants Mladić life sentence

One specific ICTY judge named Alan Tieger wants the persecuted General Ratko Mladić to get a life sentence on the closing remarks during closing arguments session on Tuesday. It seems to me that the ICTY is nothing more than a Kangaroo court. KANGAROO COURT!! I am sick of the Serbophobia that is happening and targeting the Serbian people not because they committed an actual genocide but they are always the fall guys of the corrupt Western Dictators of the EU/NATO coalition! Just because Serbs are strong Christians, they are persecuted. I get it!!!

Just wait when a true nationalist becomes a president and all those falsely charged of genocide will be freed and they will receive compensations!

Am I wrong? NO! He is being incarcerated for the fact he is a Serb, not because he killed people in Srebrenica. The ICTY never looked to the fact that Alija Izetbegović sacrificed his people just for international bombardment of the Bosnian Serbs.

Continue this and the Serbs will be awaken!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Global Warming Hoax is being exposed

Tokyo's first November snow since the 1960's. Saudi Arabia suddenly got blanketed in snow. Reports of a major cold wave in North America. Folks, it is a hoax, the Global Warming is a total HOAX. Capital H, O, A, X.

From USA Today: This won't be normal December cold, either, as temperatures will be about 10 to 20 degrees colder than typical for this month. Also, once the arctic blast arrives, it will stick around well into next weekend and perhaps longer.

See, even mainstream news outlets can't hide the fact that it is not Global Warming. It won't be a surprise if snow may fall even in San Antonio, Texas if the Cold Wave will be longer than the yearly data average. Why I am saying this? It's Global Cooling, don't deny the fact we are fooled by the Left-Wing scientists that were supported by Liberal Democrat stooge Al Gore and pushed out scientists that discovered Global Warming is a hoax.

I love nature, it is just don't politicize 10 years of warming around the world when the sun's rays are just hot but felt most within the Equator, below the Tropic of Cancer and above the Tropic of Capricorn.

By personal experience, I felt the cold winds of Winter back in the second or third week of October that when I go to church, I may need to wear my necktie and at times, put my hands on my pocket outside. Not convinced?

Merkel, you're next

What fabulous news I am reading these days. It is clear Left-Wing Liberalism will implode because of what they have done to their countrymen. Look at France, UK, US and now Italy. Austria voted against their right wing politician but with Angerla Merkel flooding her country of Germany with millions of terrorists from Sunni Islamic countries, she must go.

Let's go to Italy, where the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi says he takes full responsibility for the crashing defeat at the referendum he proposed, which would have reduced the powers of the Senate. Renzi intends to send in his resignation on Monday.

“The experience of my government ends here,” Renzi said in a televised news conference, adding that his defeat was “extraordinarily clear.”
“I have lost and I say it out loud,” he said.

In France, Marine Le Penn can take advantage that the liberal incumbent president Francois Hollande will not seek re-election as the liberal scums were the reason why unrest is still happening in France.

In UK, Brexit can be triggered again..

Which brings me to the fact that what the revolutionaries of 1848, whether right, center or left that had failed, their struggle to give their people freedom are now being invoked upon by all Europeans to crush the Left-Wing Liberal Globalist trash.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

How a Trump presidency(indirectly) can make Kosovo, Serbian again

Just my opinion, regardless of Donald Trump is mistakenly appointing neo-cons, his presidency may start to return of Kosovo to Srbija. There is a way and what's my answer?

Close Camp Bondsteel

News of Trump's plan to either heavily tax allies of the letting US military bases stay or get out. Which means, YES!!! If Trump finally pulls off the troops and empties Camp Bondsteel, the terrorist-occupied Kosovo province will be vulnerable to some Serb mercenaries of course. Who knows if Serbs can sneak themselves to Kosovo and will either smuggle guns or foods to Serbs who need protection or force the traitors in Beograd to "save" the Serbs in Kosovo by invading it.

There are other ways but this would be the most realistic of any idealistic ways to take back Kosovo during Trump's presidency. And of course, Trump will not intervene even if he has neocons because he will force them to repair America than fund a pointless war.

Before all these things I speculate, all I can do for the Serbian people is to expose the traitors, help them revive their Orthodox Christian faith and their national identity and, pray for their nation and dijaspora as a whole.