Monday, November 26, 2018

Ivica's Tirade

What would happen if Serbia gets armed to the teeth and America under Trump withdraws Camp Bondsteel into perpetuity? Well, my guess is the Serbs will restore their sacred churches into full use, buys salt to destroy every mosque along with it's soils as a cursed one, or they'll found out Albanian bodies buried as civilians instead as actual terrorists that they are. Ivica Dačić said something recently that caught my eye. Here's what I read from the news article B92:

"Some countries gave birth to political monster in Priština"

We all know who bombed Serbia back in 1999, while that same person turned the Oval Office into the Oral Office and a place of decadence.

Dačić told reporters he would not be surprised by such a decision, given that imposing a 100 percent tax on goods (from central Serbia) was proof there was no rational and reasonable policy in Priština now - " we have moved into the sphere of political insanity."

"This issue is not for us but for the international community, the EU, and the question is what they will do about it. Some countries have given birth to a political monster in Priština and it's time they've set boundaries for it," Dačić said, adding that he did not believe in the stories coming from "the international community" that Priština "would not listen to them."

Ivica's angry tirade comes along with the illegal occupiers "imposed" a 100% tax on Serbian goods coming into North Kosovo. FYI, it is like Chechnya imposing 100% tax rate on Russian goods coming into their area.

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