Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Uskrs Greetings and Lamb cooking tips

Christ is Risen, Indeed he is Risen!
Hristos Voskrese, Vaistinu Voskrese!/Христос Воскресе, Ваистину Воскресе!
Мәсіх қайта тірілді, шынымен ол қайта тірілді!

Christ is risen, he indeed destroyed death by conquering Hell through his death. This is what we have been promised through the Old Testament Prophets and the our beloved saints. Let us rejoice and be glad on how God truly loves us, the reason one sacrifice leads to the salvation of all!

And, if you will plan to cook any lamb/mutton dishes, better you boil the meat with coca-cola. OK, so some people may find it uneasy that I used coke, but you won't drink it nor let it be the soup of the lamb dish, but to soften up the lamb. Remember, lamb is a bit harder than beef although not as hard as goat meat; although both goat and lamb/mutton will be soften by coke. After boiling, you will notice that lamb/mutton starts to soften up, to the point it's tender like beef and pork. Then, remove the coca-cola from the pan and start your own Easter recipe.

Have a blessed and happy celebration of 5 Easter weeks!

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