Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Serbs of Kosovo on the edge

Serbs of Kosovo, the most endangered of all ethnic groups for one war or genocide by the Albanian colonialists means their annihilation. Scary. Just looking into some news, the fake Albanian police made a raid on Serbs but lost their paraphernalia, and some Serbs found these and saw the list of targets.

So, what did the Izdajnici in power said:

They'll do everything to protect the Serbs of Kosovo.

But that's not enough, take back what's yours! Actions speak louder than words.

As the news broke out, Vojska Srbije was put into red alert, but the problem is if the Albanian minority in Serbia might fake a genocide against them, or the young Serbs that may have to fight for their beloved country. Morale is still down since 1999, but God help the Serbian people.

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