Making your girl beautiful is very hard. Why? It is because regardless of beauty or not, she will feel "ugly" if unattended by their respective boyfriends.
Let's say that's a unique case of sensitivity or jealousy(if there is).
For me, a young man having a pregnant gilrfriend, i always tell her to wear some showy dress. It doesn't mean to make her sexy so much but the level that your eyes will only see her as a beautiful girl especially when the couple are that young.
If some guys would have the same scenario like mine(young couple), i may recommend to make their girl wear some showy attires(miniskirt, short-shorts and others) or buy their girl with those set of attires to make them beautiful.
I just feel showing emotional love is not yet enough, because the level of jealousy is still there. Some women are not born beautiful but they can be, regardless of fashion or attitude as long as they have the right man with them.