Thursday, February 15, 2018

Serbia on the losing end?

Such bad news in Serbia. What's happening there?!?!! Oh well, all I can do is to comment on it since I am not a businessman that can flush money unto the people. Will my views make it to the Serbian people even before it's too late? Well, I am dreaming if that happens or what!

German Foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel wants to force Srbija to accept the illegal secession of Kosovo to gain EU membership! Aleksandar Vulin, the putz that needs to wake up, said he favors partition to make sure an EU ascension will occur. SCHMUCK!!! Defence Minister Vulin, you are an aschande to your people! So does the government of the schlemiels in Beograd in power! I am so sick of this stupid capitulation!

Renouncing your claim to Kosovo means renouncing your national identity! It is like your heart gets removed from you!

Why is Donald Trump letting Oil-Rex Tillerson control his foreign policy? Why is Vladimir Putin silent on this??!?!!?

That means, only God knows when the Serbs will unite and even without any foreign help, they can regain Kosovo and kick out not just the colonialists, but also the the Izdajnici! Throw them out! Send them to the new Sodom and Gormorrah: Brussels!

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