Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I cannot break my promise!

Talking with a friend about these things, I remembered my promise. It's kind of disappointing for some of my friends I am still hoping for something on her but it's what my heart is saying. I can't forsake her even if she won't talk to me much. Promise is a promise.

I am giving my best for her since despite what she did to our baby and giving me the hardest time but she still comes back for me. What is it that she cannot forget me totally no matter how hard she wants? Is it my money but my assurance? If it is just money, then forget her once she does it. But if she believes in me all the way, then I will never give up.

If she only hears this, I will never break that promise I told her. I must not lose this time or else, I am undeserving of the love I am hoping for eventually.

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