Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Build a wall in SERBIA against disease carrying migrants

If both Presdesnik Tomislav Nikolić and Peder Premijer Aleksandar Vučić is listening to me now, hear my plead. I recently say from the news that migrants(Islamic Wahhabists) are carriers of lice that can transmit to typhus and trench fever.

The Institute for Public Health “Batut” said that in the transit-reception centers and centers for asylum all preventive and anti-epidemic measures have been taken in order to prevent the spreading of body lice and prevention of occurrence of new cases.

It's not enough they have a facility to counter the threat of diseases but to build a wall like how Donald Trump will do to prevent refugees carrying diseases to get to America. Serbia is not a breeding field for diseases but Peder Superman never cares!! NEVER!!!! Superman only cares about what the LEFTist Liberals tell him to do for money and fame!

Only a wall, physical and symbolical wall can deter the flooding of disease-stricken migrants. It's not racist to say this, it's the right thing to make sure every country, including Serbia can fight the plague that Globalist LEFTists want to install on their already beaten up country!!

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