Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Jill Stein joining the Sore Loser Brigade

Liberalism is a mental disorder. and Jill Stein proves it. Of course.

Jill Stein wants a recount of the election that Donald Trump won and Hillary "Miss Benghazi" Clinton lose by the popular vote.

“This is not being done to benefit one candidate at the expense of the other,” Stein told PBS.

Speaking of Jill the Lib, she could have been paid by George Soros, the master financier and destroyer of nations. Back before the elections, she mentioned that Hillary is more dangerous than Trump. So why she suddenly changed her mind? Money. And that she can finally push for the dreaded carbon tax, which of course will go to terrorists, femiNAZIs, gay lobbyists and of course, the anti-Christian NGO's.

As we all know, George Soros want that carbon tax implemented around the world.

So, my assumption would be: Jill Stein the so-called environmentalist joins the loser brigade for the poison pill that is the carbon tax, collaborating with George Soros and Hillary Clinton, in an attempt to stop Trump from restoring America.

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