Thursday, January 12, 2017

Mainstream Media humiliated

Donald Trump is on THUG LIFE mode now. CNN was recently humiliated by Trump's words when CNN's Jim Acosta tried to butt in to his press conference. I love this moment when a big propaganda machine gets owned by one person on air! It's too amusing! Thankfully, Trump knows what is truly happening not just in America but in the world too.

Trump slammed CNN as “disgraceful” and Buzzfeed as “a failing pile of garbage” for their reporting on unverified accusations that the Russian government is blackmailing Trump with compromising personal and financial information about him, and that a two-page synopsis of the allegations was included as an annex to the classified version of the report prepared by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Russian influence on the 2016 presidential election. The ODNI report was presented to President Barack Obama and Trump.

The president-elect then refused to call on CNN’s Jim Acosta during his first press conference since July. “Be quiet. I’m not going to give you a question. You are fake news,” Trump said.

It proves that the mainstream media is no longer in power. In short, he guillotined the mainstream media in four words: "You are fake news!" Mainstream media's days as the source of fake news and propaganda machine are numbered.

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