Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Look who's back?

Bombing Syria would have a negative effect.I think Obama did the wrong move and also will try to arm anti-government MODERATES of all the people, which i know from some of my colleagues at the blogosphere and non-biased sources as Islamists or anti-unity or even, EXTREMISTS! When those moderates are being funded by the National Endownment for Democracy, Saudi Oil, Turkish trained mercenaries and even Bosniak and other Muslims that will try to establish a caliphate before Iraq succeeds, then Russia should do something even if i don't like Putin.

Well, Barrack Hussein Obama, Mr. Nobel Peace Prize winner bombs his 7th enemy in a span of only 6 years. 6 Years of pillaging the world while neglecting his own citizens and the American people to appease the Saudi Monarchy against Iran and Syria, who are true Arab nationalists and doesn't even attack any Western ally.

If someone would ask me what Islam's role in Arab nationalism? Unification of all Arab states in a patriotic fight against the ISIS, America and other imperialist forces that will try to be Islamic or wreakin havoc in the minorities.

Het Obama, if i could have the chance to have a debate with you and Putin, i would ask some questions about his negligience of the American people.


  1. I think ISIS is being used as a cover to attack and take over Syria. Assad and the SAA were too tough a nut to crack.
    ISIS is composed of many of the same people the U.S., Turkey and others were financing and training. The "moderates" either became the ISIS or worked with them. The U.S. seemed very, very calm when the ISIS was taking over Iraqi army depots and oil refineries. It only made a show of bombing ISIS in Iraq so people will buy their excuse over Syria, which is their main goal.
    The U.S. is wanting to bring in more countries as it doesn't like to attack, even a much smaller nation, alone.
    After the "be-headings" of the U.S. journalists/operatives - which I believe were completely faked in front of a "green screen". They threw in a British guy to help get the British on board and wasn't there a French UN worker now too? This isn't happening in Iraq but "conveniently" in Syria.
    Also, I read a report today that U.S. bombed a grain silo and killed 2 workers and there were no ISIS in the vicinity, though U.S. claimed the silo was a command center.
    And also I notice that the bombing seems to be accompanied by ISIS taking more territory and shelling (now) Kurdish villages harder.
    And back to the be-headed victims: on youtube there are two different sets of "parents" for James Foley! And they have a woman and man playing his siblings being interviewed by Katie Couric, and during the interview a picture slips down off the wall behind them! They don't flinch. They are crisis actors and the "room" was just a studio set-up. "Foley" may not even be his real name. I think all of the "victims" are alive and now living under new names.
