The guy on the picture is not just a hypocrite but making statements for the wrong cause. First and foremost, David Cameron, the British Prime Minister is on the road to become another hypocrite as he says Assad and ISIS responsible for the refugee crisis. We are not stupid Mr. Cameron! It is the ISIS but it's not Bashar Al-Assad's fault. There was no refugee crisis until you and that Christian-hater Barack Hussein Obama started to flow money for the Fake Syrian Army, Al-Nusrah and the ISIS as one to topple a dictator who is not part of your strategic interests.
A lowblow to the Assad regime, Cameron implores, yet another hypocrisy to the issue and never admits his country's fault for starting the Islamic Spring and why not Arab Spring? Because Islamists benefited from it except in Egypt when Mohammed Morsi came back to Earth after a dictatorial rule and anti-Christian measures. In Libya, the downward spiral continues as the post-Gaddafi regime is becoming more sinister than the madman's rule that everyone got a better education.
You can't start a revolution unless you pour in money and brainwash people there a better life when your doing the exact opposite.
These days, it's not surprise who are the true hypocrites or not but with our sharp sense, we will know who are the obvious hypocrites and unsuprisingly, it is David Cameron along with Barack Hussein Obama.
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