Friday, March 11, 2016

Pray for the Serbian people affected by the floods

It makes my heart weary, seeing churches and monasteries like the Valjevska Gračanica going through the worst floods and the towns that the flood reached. I have less words to say about this since I saw a lot, especially the inside of the church where church inventories were afloat. Gospode Pomiluj +++

Prayer for time of troubles:
O God, our help and our aid in distress, Who art just and merciful, and Who inclines to the supplications of His people, look down upon me, a miserable sinner, have mercy on me, and deliver me from this trouble that besets me, for which, I know, I am deservedly suffering. I acknowledge and believe, O Lord, that all trials of this life are disposed by Thee for our chastisement, when we drift away from Thee and disobey Thy commandments. Deal not with me after my sins, but according to Thy bountiful mercy, for I am the work of Thy hands and Thou knowest my weakness. Grant me, I beseech Thee, Thy divine strength to endure my tribulations with complete submission to Thy will. Thou knowest my misery and sufferings, and to Thee my only hope and refuge, I flee for relief and comfort, trusting in Thy infinite love and compassion, that in due time, when Thou knowest best, thou wilt deliver me from this trouble, and turn my distress into comfort, when I shall rejoice in Thy mercy and exalt and praise Thy Holy Name, O Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: now and always, and unto ages of ages. Amin.

Prayer for the Serbian people:
O, Lord, save Thy people and save me. If Thou savest not Thy people and mine, if Thou savest only me, I shall be like a stranger in Heaven. Hear, O Lord, the supplication of Thy righteous ones, Sava and Nemanja, and save Thy sinful people, sinful though they may be. As Thou didst save Jerusalem from the godless and the blasphemers, save also Belgrade from the faithless, that salvation may be made known to all as proceeding from Thee, not from men. Thy people are weakened by waiting, test not their endurance to the end, o Lord. O Lord, weakened are thy people by waiting. All the Earth is covered with the bodies of thy faithful, we cannot till the soil without the pick sounding against the bones of our kinsmen and echoing painfully in our souls. There is not a field which is not a cemetery, not a tree which is not a tombstone. All of the Serbian land is a graveyard. Have mercy, o Lord and save Thy people, with or without me. 

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