Friday, April 1, 2016

Can Vojislav Šešelj's freedom awaken the Serbs?

Yes, I am grateful he won against the criminal-led Hague Tribunal. But there is a burning question I want to ask a lot of my Serbian friends. Can Vojislav Šešelj awaken the heart of the Serbs?

There is indeed a possibility since he wants a pro-Russian foreign policy, may kick out the traitors in Srbija and endorsing Donald Trump, which is also espousing the anger of the American people. Can he do what Trump is planning and Putin did?

I may say yes or no. I hope yes. This is the only way Srbija will not join EU because, the EU is becoming more of a graveyard than an economic solution. The EU is run by politically correct politicians swearing allegiance to their Globalist bosses. The EU economic policy ruins member states' home grown economy.

But what I am hoping is not economic or the political one but also the religious stance. Why? Because it is possible. Once the Serbs awaken, they will go further by wanting to go back to God unlike the propaganda made by traitors in Beograd. In short, a Russian Orthodox-style Serbian Orthodox revival. Hope if he knows this, he will become the game changer in Srbija's reawakening.

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