Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Russia's moral high ground

No one in mainstream media is mentioning this. Their reason: They want to portray Russia as the Communist USSR and that is being run by KGB officials. Too much Westernized propaganda against Russia. What surprises me is that, Russia keeps on moving forward despite the sanctions, economic losses and traitors lurking.

The answer is simple: God keeps on protecting Russia more and more. Their faith stands out despite all the demonization the Western media portrays them as an imperialistic country. Russians returned to Orthodoxy starting from the late 90's and the major return during Vladimir Putin's reign as president. No more do we see the Godless authority in Russia but God-fearing politicians that have moral high ground. Even the kingpins and hardline politicians want a prosperous and God-fearing country.

Unlike the West that keeps on declining despite neoliberal reforms, Russia is surviving everything that the West gives them. It's like, "give us more sanctions and we will come back stronger!!!" The Russians waited for 74 years until they can restore their faith in God and the faith given to them by the Apostle Andrew, Vladimir the Great and all the saint s that contributed to the faith in Russians.

The Orthodox Church will be waiting for us. It will not force you to join. God guide Russia and the true democratization of it's people. Живели Русија!

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