Sunday, July 3, 2016

A future with you

Actually guys, I still haven't have enough sugar on my brain to write on my blog about politics or even news. I am really focused right now on her and it seems it keeps me away from my typical right wing conservative activism. At least, I am not that focused in politics altogether.

I really loved her to the point, I am hoping for a church wedding with her. A church wedding that will make my simple wish for a happy family with her. A family that goes to church every Sunday, works together, prays together, eats together and fighting all the problems and pains that will come as one.

I am serious on loving her to the point that I don't mind her actual age or what my parents or some of my friends would tell about her age or that she is the same faith as mine. I am praying now that hopefully, I can be married with her and have kids baptized in the Orthodox church. I truly believe that God gave me her because of the way things transpired and how she feels I am truly giving my best for her.

If she sees out this article and uses a translator, she could be surprised that I am happy and content with her. Indeed.

1 comment:

  1. May God Bless you both Lazar + She sounds beautiful!
